7 mindset shifts for an “abundance mindset” — Follow Your Own Rhythm

7 WAYS TO SHIFT from a “lack-based” mindset to an “abundance-based” mindset





1.           Accept that deeply, inherently, and essentially, you are a whole, abundant being with a spirit that is already at its most perfect, full, complete and satisfied state

This inner being needs nothing more than what it already has within.  Accept this.  From this acceptance, say to yourself “I am not my mind.  My mind is a beautiful tool that I use to live an authentic life, but it is not who I inherently am.  Therefore, I detach myself from my mind and my thinking.  With this detachment, I realize my true potential.  I realize that I have the free will to decide what kind of mindset and thoughts I want to have, and that my true self, my inner state of awareness, I, am in control of this tool.  So with this newfound freedom, I choose abundance.  I choose to align my thinking with my inner knowing which is abundance.  Therefore, I am enough.  I have enough. I don’t need anything else to fulfill me.  I don’t need another person to tell me I am good enough for me to know that I am good enough.  I do not depend on the world to define who I am.  I hold within me enough joy, love, peace, truth, wisdom, that I don’t depend on someone or something else to give it to me.  I am simply enough the way I am.”

Repeat this to yourself again and again until you truly believe it, because it’s true.  YOU ARE ENOUGH.  Let your outer life reflect this inner truth. 

2.           Focus on the good rather than on the bad

I personally, always try to put a positive spin on things.  Whenever something bad happens to me, it’s only a short matter of time before I see the positive aspect of it.  Here is an example.  Just recently, I was taking a left hand turn out of a strip mall onto a busy street during rush hour and almost got “t-boned” by a raging car driving 50 miles per hour who was driving in the oncoming-traffic lane.  He obviously didn’t see me coming.  I immediately stepped on my breaks and thankfully avoided an accident that could have been really bad.  My immediate reaction was of course shock, and then wonder at why he would be driving so fast in a lane where no one was expecting him, especially during traffic.  But it took me just a few seconds to say “hey, at least my breaks work really well.”  Still in shock on my way home, all I kept thinking about is how happy I am that I didn’t get hit and that I am okay.  I could have spent my energy dwelling on how crazy that driver was and how horrible his actions were, but that wouldn’t have changed what happened.  So instead, I choose to focus on the good and how happy I am to be alive.

The point is, it’s not about what happens to you, it’s about how willing you are to see the positive side of ANY situation.  When you focus on the good, you create space for more good in your life.  When you spend your mental energy on the “bad,” you become angry, disappointed, dissatisfied, and bring yourself and everybody else around you down, even more. 

Just remember, a situation in itself is never good or bad.  The situation is always neutral.  It is our INTERPRETATION of the situation and how we allow it to affect us that makes it either “good” or “bad.”   So the choice is yours.  Do you want to interpret what happens around you as good, or as bad? This is your free will.  You get to decide.  And your decision will directly impact the quality of your life, so choose wisely. 

3.           Start appreciating what you already have

If you want to feel abundant, you have to feel as if everything in your life is a plus, a bonus, a beautiful gift worth embracing, even if it comes in small, subtle or disguised packages. 

Look around you.  Look at how much you actually have.  Are your basic survival needs met? Do you have water, food, warm clothes and a safe place to sleep? Do you have air to breathe? Do you have a…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in followyourownrhythm.com. All the rights of content are owned by followyourownrhythm.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.
See also  40 Positive Affirmations for Overcoming Challenges

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