Balance Your Emotions With Essential Oils

As we live in such hectic world it is very important to be able to stay not only physically but also emotionally healthy. We all know, and probably even noticed on ourselves, how emotions can affect our physical and mental state and vice versa. Unfortunately we can’t just simply avoid stress and hide emotions in our daily life. But we can manage these in many different ways. Aromatherapy happen to be my favorite.

To create this emotional equilibrium may take some time. It’s not a magical stick, but it’s a powerful tool that works on our deepest emotional level.

  1. Lavender helps to release the energy that is “stuck” from the unexpressed emotions, it helps to calm the nervous anxiety which brings us shyness and even embarrassment, it encourages self-expression and has the ability to bring the best of us. Lavender has fantastic healing abilities to our nervous system. It encourages security, gentleness, compassion, vitality, clarity, comfort, acceptance, awareness. In this case it blends especially well with Clary Sage, Geranium, Cypress, Frankincense and Bergamot.
  2. Geranium essential oil promotes the emotional support and inner strength, for these who feel emotional loss, disappointment or deprivation, grief, insecurity, guilt, low self-esteem. Geranium is also known as a female essential oil for its ability to help managing mood swings during menstrual cycle, to reduce the irritability, moodiness, frustration, emotional instability. Is very helpful to alleviate depression, including the post-natal depression. 
  3. Clary Sage is truly amazing essential oil. Firstly, it is known to be one of the most balancing oils for women, it helps to regulate a menstrual cycle, deals with PMS, helps with hot flashes and it is an uterine tonic. It is strengthening but yet it’s relaxing, it is emotionally uplifting, anti-depressive, regulating, Clary Sage promotes the emotional stability. It has the ability to reduce irritability and mood swings like geranium does, but it gently creates this balance between stimulation and relaxation. This oil is very helpful for these who have an emotional conflict inside, these who are feeling confused. Clary Sage is euphoric oil, and therefor is very good for people going through an emotional shock or having too much tension.
  4. Rose essential oil is the love oil, it promotes the ability to awaken the love inside of us even in hardest times. Rose has the ability to heal the emotional wounds, restore the trust, bring the harmony and comfort. This oil is especially good for people who suffer from rejection or loss, for these who lost their self-love, who needs self-nurturing and self-comfort and acceptance. Rose is encouraging contentment, devotion, happiness, unconditional love, inner freedom and vision, purity and sensuality. This is also an euphoric essential oil, and therefor it’s found to be very helpful in fighting the depression and anxiety. 
  5. Bergamot has a regulating effect on the nervous system,…
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