Peace with Money

Article by Neetu Uberoy Palan

In today’s world, every second person seems to be cribbing of either not having money, or not able to save money and handle finances intelligently. Even some of the financial consultants face such issues.

Once a client came to me for a Money Reiki healing session. He wasn’t able to multiply his funds as desired and needed help on that. I first met him personally and tried to understood where the blocks were. He was into trading and also a financial consultant. On having a long chat with him, I realized that he wasn’t grateful for what he had and was fully into the cribbing zone with regard to finances.

The first step that I guided was to be thankful and I told him to watch his words while he speaks. He shouldn’t be talking anything negative of finance else money would run away. I told him to learn to attract money rather than chasing it. Then I began with his Money Reiki healing session. I did it for 21 days, along with the Zibu symbols, switch words, switch numbers and energy circles. I always love to use a combination of all the possible modalities that I have learnt, according to the need of the situation. I also gave him some energized crystals to wear and keep at his workplace.

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The first week itself he started being careful with his thoughts and words with regard to money and was open to receiving the beautiful Reiki energy. He experienced gradual changes with his finances. He started making wiser decisions that in turn gave him more profits. The switch words given to him helped him save money and spend it wisely. He was so grateful to the Universe and started with the affirmations as suggested by me. The Reiki and Money Reiki symbols, the Zibu symbols showed their magic! By the end of the 21 day healing session, he saw and experienced magical finance related moments, sometimes unexpected money too. He also learnt a big lesson of life to have Peace with Money!

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Neetu Uberoy Palan
Neetu Uberoy Palan

Neetu Uberoy Palan who was a teacher by profession for almost 23 years, has been spiritually inclined during the past 7 years. She is an Angel Tarot and Oracle card reader, a Reiki Grandmaster, a Crystal healer, Money Reiki Grandmaster, a Pendulum Dowser, a Numerologist, and a Switch Healer. She has changed many lives with her counseling sessions. She has also learned Angel Reiki and believes she has a deep connection with Angels that makes her what she is right now. Her readings and healing sessions have given true guidance to many and that has, in turn, blessed them with happier lives. She could be contacted on +91 9892304943. She could be contacted on or you could also mail her at

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