Sacred Geometry in Nature: 10 Examples of How Everything is Connected

INSIDE: Sacred geometry in nature shows up in various formations, including hurricanes and snow. Everything around us is in perfect order. The Universe we live in is full of synchronistic geometry, ranging from tiny molecules to entire galaxies. Let’s learn more about it!


Everything in nature is in perfect harmony. The world we live in, the trees, animals, and even water are all a part of nature’s divine design. According to ScienceDirect, even sound manifests in a geometric, octagonal form.

Mathematicians have tried to decode the seemingly accidental patterns that show up in nature. Their discoveries over years have shown that nothing is coincidental and we are all a part of a grander Universal scheme.

This sacred geometry in nature shows up in so many beautiful ways. Let’s find out how.

What is the Golden Mean & Why is it Important?

Everything around us can be explained with geometric principles and is linked to spiritual laws. Sacred geometry patterns in nature show up in various forms, where both the energy and the material reality are both forms of geometry.

Sound, plants, and water, when divided into tiny particles are all made of sacred geometry shapes. These shapes are explained by something Aristotle called the Golden Mean, Golden Ratio, or Phi.

The golden mean or ratio represents the balance between two extremes, their sacred unity, and connectedness.

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This rule denotes that the relationship between a small piece and a large piece is the same as the relationship between the large part and the whole.

The value of Phi is approximately 1.618, and this number is found in a vast number of natural phenomena. 

In other words, this is a ratio between two pieces and is used to explain how one unit, one whole, can be split into two parts. These two elements, which are a part of a whole, are in geometric progression to one another – and they are ever present in nature.

Amethyst Geodes

The Mathematics of Nature

The Golden Mean can be seen as a sacred mathematical map that explains and is closely connected to principles of sacred geometry. The golden ratio can be found in a triangle, square, pentagon, and circle – all of which are shapes that show up as evidence of sacred geometry in nature.

The base of the golden ratio is found in the Fibonacci sequence. This is a series of numbers that describe many things in math but are also the essence of nature’s geometric code. The sequence is created by adding the last two numbers in a line:

0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377…and so forth.

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The Universe as a whole is organized in accordance with this series, where all pieces are tied together, even if they don’t appear so on the surface of things.

Sacred geometry and Phi can explain the fractal nature of oneness. Even microscopic organisms or cells are connected to the cosmos and show up as sacred geometry in nature. 

Aside from manifesting in shapes such as circles and triangles, Phi also manifests in spirals, explaining a golden ratio spiral. This formation is narrower at its starting point and wider as it unfolds and shows up in many forms in nature.

Golden Mean in the Physical and Spiritual Realm 

In spirituality, as much as in mathematics, Golden Means correlate with sacred geometry. Everything on Earth, no matter how small or big, is a part of the whole – The Universe.

Everything that exists in physical or energetic reality is a form of sacred geometry, a piece of a bigger puzzle. God or Universe is a geometer and everything around us is a result of divine orchestration.

Sacred Geometry in Plants

Examples of Sacred Geometry in Nature

Have you noticed how things in nature look so perfectly designed? While sacred geometry can’t always be seen with a naked eye, when we take a closer look, we’ll easily spot these patterns in plants or animals.   

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Following are various different formations found in nature, which are some of the finest representations of sacred geometry the human eye can see…


From flowers in bloom to leaves and fruits, plants are a perfect representation of a sacred blueprint. Every plant blossoms and grows in accordance with the Fibonacci sequence.

All plants and their parts grow oriented under the same degree. This sacred spiral formation is evident in sunflowers, pineapples, and flower disks. Smaller parts are located in the very center, spreading outward in a perfect spiral.

Pinecones are a magnificent representation of how the Fibonacci sequence works in nature. When counted in both directions, its spiraling scales come down to Fibonacci numbers.

Flower petals, leaf patterns and shapes, and seed dispersion in a plant are all perfectly arranged. Under a microscope, even plant cells are organized in a geometric sequence. 


Crystals are perfect geometric formations that have resulted from continuous exposure to radiation, physical, and chemical reactions. An Amethyst Geode is a perfect example of sacred geometry in nature, showing how great of a geometer the God or Universe…

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