Distant Healing Methods Based on the 5 Elements

Everything in our universe can be said to be made of 5 elements, earth, water, fire, air, and ether, going from dense to subtle. It isn’t just physical matter that is affected by these elements, our thoughts too can be more ‘earthy’ or ‘airy’.

The 5 elements are a concept rather than a ‘thing’, so ‘earth’ – soil is also made of the 5 elements, the water we drink is also made of the 5 elements and not water alone, and so on. When these manifest in physical existence, they are never isolated. An imbalance in the elements in our body can cause specific problems, and we can address them better by adding a few steps to our usual distant healing process.

If you’ve learned level 2 or above, you are probably already familiar with some forms of distant healing. Here are a few more ideas that can help your client integrate the healing energies more powerfully into their systems.

Distant Healing for the Earth Element

When there is a lack or excess of the earth element in the system, it can result in never feeling safe, either physically or emotionally, insecurity, and fear of survival. People can be spaced out and dysfunctional if the earth element is too weak. The very common anemia and any kind of malnourishment are also a lack of earth element in the body. Excess weight that feels solid and never fluctuates no matter what is an excess of the earth element.

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If you’re sending distant healing to someone with these issues, along with your usual method of distant healing, also Reiki their refrigerator and pantry – because food is how we introduce the earth element into our system. If you’re doing this to yourself, always heal your food before you eat. If you’re familiar with programming Reiki flow, then you can also program the energy to flow to the client during mealtimes.

Distant Healing for the Water Element

The water element is everything that ‘flows’ in the body. Blood gets affected if the water element is out of balance, the digestive acids, salivary glands, and tear ducts can get affected and one can have water retention, dehydration, depression and mood swings. When the water element is too dominant in the body, weight can fluctuate and weight gain can show up as soft and wobbly fat.

If you are healing someone with water element issues, I recommend healing their water cooler. If they live in the vicinity, one of the most powerful things to do is to do proxy full body healing on a water bottle – healing all the chakras and then having them drink that water all day. This is especially useful if you have a depressed family member who is too tired to help themselves, or someone who is hospitalised.

Distant Healing Methods Based on the 5 Elements

Distant Healing for the Fire Element

Fire shows up as ambition, energy, passion, anger, fear, digestive power and vitality. An imbalance in the fire element will leave a person too hungry or not hungry at all, too angry or never angry, too tired or hyperactive, and often with acne or…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in reikirays.com. All the rights of content are owned by reikirays.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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