15 Signs Your Divine Feminine Is Awakening

If you’re interested in spiritual topics and read about them frequently, there is no way you haven’t heard about the Divine Feminine by now.

The New Age spiritual movement places a lot of emphasis on awakening the Divine Feminine, nourishing the Divine Feminine energy, and on re-discovering the amazing powers and qualities of the Divine Feminine.

This preoccupation for the Divine Feminine has appeared as a response to the patriarchal society we have lived in until now, which seems to have been more detrimental than beneficial to us.

The Divine Feminine is a very basic concept that refers to the feminine energy that exists in the universe and therefore, in all of us.

Of course, for this feminine energy to be considered a part of the Divine Feminine, it has to be already healed – to embody the qualities of the healed feminine.

The Universe consists of two basic energies – the masculine and the feminine energy. The source of all that exists is formed by two parts – Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine.

These are two different energies that complement each other. The Divine Feminine is connected to creativity, intuition, gentleness, kindness, compassion, giving life, and much more.

woman embracing her feminine energy

The Divine Masculine is represented by reasoning, logical thinking, assertiveness, action and physical movement, power, and so on.

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Men and women both have feminine and masculine energies, and it is crucial to balance them effectively.

If you’re a straight man, you should try to live in masculine energy and to awaken the Divine Masculine in you. If you’re a straight woman, it’s more beneficial to you to awaken your Divine Feminine and to nourish your feminine energy.

As advice for homosexual people, the best thing for them is to embrace the energy of the gender they identify with. 

There has been a lot of emphases lately on awakening your Divine Feminine or your Divine Masculine.

In my recent articles, I described how a person can awaken each of these in himself or herself.

But now, I want to talk about the symptoms you may experience when the Divine Feminine in you is awakening, whether the awakening is spontaneous or intentional.

Sometimes, the Divine Feminine can awaken spontaneously, which indicates that you are a person who lives in healthy feminine energy without effort, as you have probably mastered the lesson of femininity in a previous lifetime.

The signs or symptoms that indicate that that the Divine Feminine in you is awakening are below.

15 Divine Feminine Awakening Symptoms

woman experiencing a divine feminine awakening

Symptom #1: Compassion

When your Divine Feminine is awakening, whether spontaneously or intentionally, you will suddenly feel more compassion towards everyone.

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Compassion is a major trait of the Divine Feminine, so when you experience compassion without any difficulty, you can be sure that you have nourished your feminine energy to the point of developing your Divine Feminine. 

Symptom #2: Strong Intuition

If your intuition has become stronger and more active than in the past, this is another symptom that your Divine Feminine is awakening.

Maybe in the past your intuition was numb, or you didn’t use it very often, but when your Divine Feminine is awakening, your intuition will speak to you very often.

Whenever you have to make a decision or you struggle with something you will feel a nudge from your intuition telling what actions to take.

Intuition is a very powerful tool, so if your Divine Feminine’s intuition is all of a sudden speaking to you, I suggest that you show gratitude for it and follow your intuition. 

Symptom #3: Enhanced creativity 

woman with enhanced creativity as a symptom of her divine feminine awakening

Who would not want their creativity to be enhanced? Creativity is an amazing Divine Feminine quality that can bring benefits in all areas of life.

Creativity allows you to find more solutions to any problems that may arise. Creativity allows you to explore your passions and talents and to achieve success in many fields. Creativity even contributes to the quality of your life, as It allows you to find creative ways of enjoying life every day.

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If lately, you have been feeling a lot more creative than usual, it means that your Divine Feminine is awakening, with or without your conscious efforts.

If you have been born with an unusual gift or talent based on creative expression, then you have probably integrated femininity in a previous lifetime. 

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Symptom #4: You love acts of kindness

Maybe you were always kind, maybe not. But when your Divine Feminine is Awakening you will become kinder than before, and you will respond with more grace and kindness to most challenging situations.

One way to notice if you are kinder than before is to notice yourself around people or beings who are in need of help.

If you…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in SubconsciousServant.com. All the rights of content are owned by SubconsciousServant.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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