Earth Chakras: Where To Find Earth’s Chakra Points?

Have you ever felt drawn towards a certain geographic location and felt you should visit there at least once in your lifetime?

A lot of the time these places, whose pictures you may or may not have seen in books or the internet, appear in your dreams, too.

So, what is this connection some of us have with these places?

Some people believe it may be caused by some past life experiences. I’m neither accepting nor refuting this claim.

But there is another line of thought that relates this sort of attraction to the chakra system.

Yes, you may already be familiar with the chakras, which are vortexes of energy running through your subtle body.

When these chakras are kept in balance, that’s when you experience a connection with your higher self, of course, in addition to having a healthy body and mind.

You may be aware that this chakra system runs through all humans and animals as well. But did you know that these energy centers run through our beloved planet, too?

That’s right! Mother Earth also has the same core seven chakras that we do, in addition to hundreds of other less important chakras that run throughout her land.

These chakras are called earth chakras, and in this article, we’re going to take a look at where these core seven earth chakra points are located.

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Earth Chakras - Earth's Chakra Points Map

What Are The Earth Chakras?

Earth chakras are nothing but locations of high-energy vortexes. These energy reservoirs are located throughout the planet.

If you draw up an earth chakras map, you’d find that the seven core chakras are located laterally, spread across continents.

The intriguing part of these earth chakra points is that in many of these locations, you’re likely to find megalithic structures, temples, churches, and other pilgrimage sites built by ancient civilizations.

The more we study these places, the more it becomes evident that centuries ago, these ancient civilizations knew how to harness the strong energy present in these vortexes to reach the higher power.

If you feel drawn to any of these places, it’s more like a calling. It means your specific chakra is willing and ready to draw in more energy from Mother Earth’s reservoirs, which will ultimately lead to realizing your higher self.

So, where are these seven earth chakras located? Can you visit them to heal your chakras? Let’s look at each of them in detail.



1. Root Chakra – Mount Shasta

Root Chakra Muladhara Symbol Meaning

In humans, the root chakra, also called Muladhara, is located at the base of the spine. On our Mother Earth, it is located in California!

This energy vortex is present within a dormant volcano called Mount Shasta of the Cascade Mountain Range. For centuries, people from all over the world have been attracted to this sleeping volcanic mountain.

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Root Chakra - Mount Shasta

Native Americans considered this mountain as a holy place long before new-age travelers even began to put this place on the world map. They thought of this place as the center of the world, and rightly so.

The function of the root chakra is to provide stability. And so, Mount Shasta, as believed by thousands of travelers, is the place where you go to ground yourself, drawing healing powers from the base of the earth.

Aligning your root chakra with this location can help you maintain your steadiness and put more faith in the complete harmony that surrounds you.

2. Sacral Chakra – Lake Titicaca

Sacral Chakra Svadhishthana Symbol Meaning

At the border of Peru and Bolivia lies Lake Titicaca, the largest lake of South America.

One of the reasons it attracts visitors is that it has exceptionally calm waters. When you sail through it, you feel one with the lake as its water hardly provides any resistance.

The surroundings of the lake are believed to have been inhabited by the ancient Inca civilization, who, of course, considered its waters to be sacred.

There is also a submerged temple under the lake, which goes on to prove that our ancestors considered this lake to be a holy place.

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Sacral Chakra - Lake Titicaca

The lake is the energy vortex of creativity, much like the sacral chakra present in humans. Unleash your ability to produce and create by connecting with the serene waters of the sacral chakra of Mother Earth.

She happens to oversee her procreation across her lands and waters by harnessing the energy present in this vortex.

3. Solar Plexus Chakra – Uluru (Ayers Rock)

Solar Plexus Chakra Manipura Symbol Meaning

If you’re Australia bound, Uluru is the rock structure you’d want to visit if you wish to discover the solar plexus chakra of the earth.

The solar plexus chakra is about life, it’s about understanding where you came from.

And when you visit the Uluru structure followed by a calling, you might very well be on the path to realizing this great wisdom.

You can finally feel how you manifested and how you’re connected to the rest of the world.

Solar Plexus Chakra - Uluru Ayers Rock

An interesting fact about the earth’s solar plexus is that it’s a dual chakra. That means it’s spread across two such rock structures, where one of them…

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