7 Essential Oils For Balancing The Throat Chakra

Those that have a harder time balancing their throat chakra on their own can benefit from the use of essential oils in combination with their balancing practices.

Essential oils are a great asset to maintain balanced chakras because they work hand-in-hand to move and transmute energy in the subtle body.

There are seven essential oils, in particular, that work the best for encouraging throat chakra balance. 

What are the best essential oils for the throat chakra? The best essential oils for the throat chakra are Cypress, Peppermint, Eucalyptus, Frankincense, Chamomile, Sage, and Geranium. Each oil has its own benefits and generally calms down the mind to allow for ease of expression. When the mind is calm, the energy within the body can more easily flow.

It’s not just important to know what essential oils work the best to use them to achieve the most benefits.

Continue reading to learn more!

Signs Of An Unbalanced Throat Chakra

Unbalanced Throat Chakra

Personally, identifying when my throat chakra is out of whack is easier for me than most other chakras.

When I start to feel misunderstood, that’s one huge indicator. My throat chakra is one of the hardest things to keep balanced, so I’ve become accustomed to identifying imbalances and blockages quickly. 

It is with this experience that I learned the most common signs for a blocked, unbalanced, or overactive throat chakra

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Below are some of the common signs: 

  • You tend to not share things out of fear of judgment, or you overshare 
  • This leads to a lack of creativity and self-expression
  • You self isolate
  • You get social anxiety
  • You might feel a physical knot in your throat when you try to talk
  • You could experience physical illnesses

Perhaps the biggest one of all, for me, is the feeling guilty for expressing my needs, what I believe, and what I want most in this world.

I tend to feel like a burden or as if I’m being perceived as narcissistic when I talk about my wants. 

Regardless of how the throat chakra expresses itself to you, when it is blocked or experiencing an imbalance, there are seven essential oils you can turn to. 

Continue reading below to learn more about what essential oils help with the throat chakra and the best ways to use them. 

7 Best Essential Oils For The Throat Chakra

Before we get into the list of the seven best essential oils for the throat chakra, it should be noted that these aren’t the only oils that can help maintain a balanced throat chakra.

At the end of the day, you must do what feels right to you.

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If you try an oil that isn’t on this list and you find that it helps your throat chakra, then don’t fight that feeling! 

At the end of the day, we are all unique, and what works for one person might not work as well for you. It’s always best to listen to your intuition first and foremost.

That said, here is the list of the seven best essential oils for the throat chakra: 


Lavender Essential Oils For The Throat Chakra

Of all the essential oils, lavender is by far the most versatile.

It is a natural cleanser and relaxer, which works as a great addition in nearly any combo in history, ever.

Seriously, as humans, when we approach our lives at a naturally relaxed and energetically pure state, that is when we are the most lucid, so it allows us to make conscious decisions that lead to our highest good.

In turn, this also leads to faster and more potent manifestation skills

Therapeutic-grade lavender has been used by holistic healers for thousands of years.

The earliest documented use of lavender was by the Ancient Egyptians 2,500 years ago. They used the oil for mummification and perfume. 

Today, it is most often used in skin care for its natural cleansing and relaxing properties.

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Scientists have also evaluated it to document its relaxing potential. It’s even been proven to completely diminish the effects of anxiety disorder and the associated symptoms.

It helps to restore natural order and balance physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. 

Similarly, the cleansing and calming effects of lavender are what make it such a great aid in balancing the throat chakra.

That said, because of its versatility, many people use lavender to help with rebalancing any chakra!

❤️ Related: The Mystical Symbolism of Lavender – 13 Amazing Meanings


Peppermint Essential Oils For The Throat Chakra

Peppermint, much like many of the oils on this list, is considered one of the oldest and highly regarded herbs.

Many practitioners will use the aromatic elements of the oil to quite literally regenerate energy within the body.

If there is stagnant energy or blockages in the subtle body, peppermint blast the body energetically in a way that wouldn’t allow for stagnant energy to reside afterward. 

It was used in ancient cultures to naturally soothe digestion as well as reduce headaches and increase…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in SubconsciousServant.com. All the rights of content are owned by SubconsciousServant.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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