The Raven Shifting Method – 9 Steps to Shifting your Reality

Reality shifting methods are more and more popular online, as many people use them to escape reality or to try and manifest the reality they desire.

The Raven Shifting method is one of the most popular reality shifting methods because it’s very easy to do, yet very effective. 

In this article, I will explain in greater detail what the Raven Shifting Method is and the steps you need to follow to try it out, and I will also talk about the misconception that the Raven method is dangerous. 

What is the Raven Shifting Method?

the Raven Shifting Method

The Raven Shifting Method is a very popular reality-shifting method that can be used to mentally visit the reality you desire and as well to manifest the reality that you want. 

Reality shifting methods are methods used to mentally travel from your Current Reality (CR) to your Desired/Dream Reality (DR).

From my point of view, even if you are just using the Raven Shifting Method to mentally visit the desired reality, in time this could become your current reality – as long as it’s a reality compatible with this 3D world we live in. 

If you’re mentally visiting Hogwarts, as many Harry Potter fans do, you may not end up manifesting that very soon, because it’s not possible. 

However, you can mentally enjoy your occasional trips to Hogwarts if they bring you joy and satisfaction.

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Just make sure you don’t start confusing your realities.

Why I think that everything you visualize can become your reality pretty soon is because I know the type of power that the human mind has.

A person can attract into their life whatever they are visualizing if they visualize it with faith and intent

If you want to switch to an alternate reality, one in which you are healthy and abundant for example, you can use your power of intent combined with a Reality-Shifting Method to manifest your Dream Reality into your current one.

To achieve this, you could also try doing these Reality Shifting Visualizations when it’s a New Moon, as the energies of the New Moon can help you manifest anything faster and sooner.

 How to Shift Realities with the Raven Shifting Method?

To shift your reality using the Raven Shifting Method, try the following steps: 

1. Make sure you are tired 

The Raven Shifting Method requires that you fall asleep.

Thus, If you’re not the type of person that can fall asleep anytime, anywhere, you must make sure that you are tired before. 

This may require that you wake up early on the day when you plan to try out the Raven Shifting Method, or that you do some physical exercise before it. 

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The idea is to be a bit tired so that you can fall asleep from meditation, and to be in the right mindset for shifting your reality.

2. Lay somewhere peaceful and quiet

Shifting realities with the Raven method

To try out a Reality-Shifting Method, you need a suitable place for it.

This means a place where you can lay down and relax, meditate and fall asleep without being interrupted. 

Thus, you need a private and comfortable place.

Make sure no one walks in on you, and also that the room where you do it is comfortable – it has a comfy bed, is silent, is warm or cold enough, you can light incense if you need to, etc.

It’s important to know that for the Raven Method you should be laying on your bed in a starfish position – limbs spread wide apart, not touching your body.

This way, you can relax better and get into a deeper meditative state.

3. Play some meditation or subliminal music

One thing that helps when you’re trying a Reality Shifting Method for the first time, is playing some meditation or subliminal music. 

You can find plenty of such music on Youtube.

Meditation music helps your brain get into the Theta State, the state from which you can both visualize and manifest. 

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Subliminal music or sounds are words and affirmations that are picked up by your subconscious mind (the most powerful part of your mind and that are meant to help you manifest by boosting your self-confidence. 

Subliminal messages can be positive or negative (like the ones used in commercials to manipulate you to buy something).

On Youtube, you will find subliminals with a positive impact, such as affirmations that “manipulate” your brain to believe it can do anything.

Thus, listening to these subliminals can speed up your Reality-Shifting process and can make it more effective.

4. Relax your muscles

After turning the meditation music or subliminal messages on, and getting in the starfish position, you need to start relaxing your muscles one by one – just like you do before every meditation. 

Start relaxing your muscles beginning with the muscles from the tip of your head, then your face, shoulders, and all the way down to the tip of your toes. 

Visualize and feel as each muscle relaxes, and allow your body to become soft and…

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