Expanding Love with Mother Mary’s Energy

There was a point in my life where I felt totally alone and rejected. Not only did this have an adverse effect on my mental health but also on the few relationships I had left in my life. I could not focus on my growth or practice – well, to be honest, I could not even meditate for 2 minutes. I kept asking the Angels for help and healing, but I could not hear their answers or understand their signs because of all the chaos in my head. And somehow, magically, Mother Mary’s images kept popping up wherever I went. SO finally, I decided to pay heed to her lead and asked her to help me. That night, I experienced an instant surge of energy and somehow, I felt compelled to get up and meditate. And no prizes for guessing – she made her presence felt and I could finally meditate for 30 mins with her holding me all through.

It is impossible to put in words, the emotions and love I felt in that moment. I have never felt so much love ever before in my consciousness. Since I am mainly clairvoyant, I could see her – not as a person, but as an energetic imprint and I was surrounded by it.

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I began working with her consciously and she helped me heal my trauma that followed a miscarriage. She filled me up with a zest for life once again and she helped my heart expand and my womb heal. I could see my heart chakra shift from green to a golden pink and now a beautiful baby blue, gold and white energy – the energy and colour of compassion – an expanded aspect of love. And soon enough, I felt like getting back to my art once again. Here, I have shared channeled art created by me. This is her energy and after all this time – I feel like its time to share it with the world. Whenever you feel you need a hug or you need to feel loved again or you need to feel peaceful or just want some healing you can work with this artwork to help you out.

Here’s how:

1. Look at this artwork for a minute or so and intend to connect with the healing that Mother Mary wants to bring forward in your life.

Mother Mary Channeled

2. Close your eyes and take a deep breath.

3. Follow the natural rhythm of your breath and imagine this artwork in your minds eye.

4. Now imagine yourself in this beautiful golden cone surrounded by her energy and sit there for as long as you feel like.

5. When you are done, express gratitude and come back to your breath and gently open your eyes.

6. Drink a glass of water and allow this energy to flow through you freely.

7. You can also print this out and place your water on this and welcome her healing light into your life!

Try this out for a few days and let me know how you feel! I’m sure you will want to make a habit out of this! As always, I am happy to hear about your experiences from you.

P.S. If you have been struggling to feel self-love or even struggling to conceive – meditate visualizing this artwork regularly

Sending you much love – now and…

Click here to read this complete article.
Disclaimer : This article is originally published in reikirays.com. All the rights of content are owned by reikirays.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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