The Power Of VIBRATION And The Law Of Attraction

Most of us now know what the Law of Attraction is – or will have at least heard of it. 

From sayings that have been around for as long as I can remember such as “like attracts like”, it never fails to amaze me how this simple law works.  

For those of you who do not yet know, every single one of us has the ability to bring into our lives whatever we truly want, but often what we don’t want. 

Yes, it is absolutely true!

We attract what we think; if we think positively we will attract positivity into our lives; if we think negatively we will attract negativity into our lives – it really is as simple as that!

Don’t believe me?

Think this is a load of old tosh!? 

If so, you would be seriously missing out on a whole other aspect of life!

I urge you to try and see for yourself because you know what they say, “don’t knock it until you’ve tried it”!

How Is The Law Of Vibration Connected To This?

Law of attraction and vibrations

Every single thing in existence has an energy field.

Everything from us humans, trees and plants, insects to water, rocks, air – even dust – emits an energy vibration of some sort. Our thoughts and emotions are incredibly strong energy fields that emit vibrations of differing frequencies, depending on how positive or negative they are.

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These vibrations will always attract other vibrations with a similar frequency, and this is how we can find ourselves in a bit of a downward spiral at times.  

Let’s say you are feeling down about your job; long hours, crap money, unfriendly people, etc. Every night you go home telling yourself how trapped you feel, how unhappy you are, and that there is no way out.

All of these thoughts are totally understandable but incredibly negative – therefore you are giving out a big fat negative vibration.

So, remembering that these vibrations will recognize and attract others most similar to yours, this is how that negative spiral manifests, and before you know it, you will be feeling even more unhappy.

Now to get the law of attraction working for (instead of seemingly against you) you need to have a bit of a rethink.

Instead of believing there is no way out and focusing on how unhappy you feel, you have to start telling yourself that there absolutely is a way out and that very soon it will present itself.

You also need to think of how happy you were before and focus on how that felt. The more you think this, the more you will seriously crank up the vibrations you give off. 

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So, like a huge magnet, your now positive vibrations will start to find and attach to similar vibrations on that higher, more positive frequency. 

So How Do I Match The Vibration To My Desires?

matching vibrations to desires

We have to be totally honest with ourselves on this one. 

What do we TRULY desire? 

There are a lot of people out there who say they focused every day on becoming a multi-millionaire or owning a big flashy sports car and “hey presto” – it worked! But to be honest, I find that kind of talk a bit clichéd and the whole sentiment quite vulgar. 

In a world where there is so much money yet, people seem more unhappy and dissatisfied than ever before, I personally do not believe that money is the secret to true happiness.

Money can be seen as an unfortunate invention, but sure, it’s pretty hard to live without it. Maybe if we just focused on having enough of it to make our lives comfortable, without worry or deprivation, we would all be a lot happier.

I believe that REAL happiness and fulfillment is about looking into our hearts and finding what will TRULY make us happy.

Things like forging better relationships with our families/friends/partners. Finding peace in our lives; enjoyment in simple things; pleasure in giving something back – no matter how small.  

So you need to look into yourself and find what your REAL desires are. 

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They have to be things that you long for so passionately, that you can really visualize and imagine having.  It may be anything from visiting the rainforests of Borneo, owning that beautiful house you always walk past on your way to work, wanting to be able to buy your child that new bike, or being able to get that job you’ve always yearned to do.

Just focus every day and see yourself achieving any of these things, I mean really picture yourself smiling and happy, all flushed with excitement over your accomplishment – and you will make it happen.

How Can I Use Vibrational Energy?

Using Vibrational Energy

OK, let’s take an example of better relationships. For many years I found myself constantly hoping I wouldn’t end up turning into my mum!

Yet much to my absolute horror, it seemed to be happening! I didn’t realize that I was giving out a negative signal and the universe was amplifying it right back at me! 

So after learning more about the law of vibration and how to match it to…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in All the rights of content are owned by We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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