4 Main Types of Intuitive Abilities & How to Strengthen Them

INSIDE: Intuitive abilities manifest in unique ways within every individual. It’s up to you to harness the gift of clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, and claircognizance. Use these tips to learn how to strengthen your intuitive abilities.


We live in a rather polarized world. Every topic seems to encompass diametrically opposed issues. Let’s dive into one that usually meets either significant skepticism or impassioned belief: psychic ability.

The phrase alone – psychic ability – causes many people to jump to the conclusion, “That’s crazy talk!” However, if we reframe it to intuitive abilities, a lot more people might take pause and admit, “I do believe in that!”

A fascinating study published in Psychological Reports helps demystify the irrationality of psychic abilities. The research looks at three groups of people with varying views and experiences of psychic abilities: believers, non-believers, and practitioners.

Participants were given questionnaires that measured their perceptions on intuitive thinking, rational reasoning, and locus of control. Believers and non-believers exhibited typical patterns relying on intuition or rationality, respectively. Psychic practitioners – defined as individuals with advanced training, a psychic reading practice, and published research on the subject – showed something much more interesting.

Practitioners demonstrated both intuitive belief and rational thought to explain their psychic abilities. The research suggests that practitioners have taken significant time and consideration of their skills to understand what they mean, what they do, and how to use them.

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It’s crucial to recognize these abilities as spiritual or divine gifts in order to wield them for good in a world not always accepting of their power.

Psychic Stones

What Are Intuitive Skills? 

Thus far, we’ve intentionally left vague what we mean by psychic or intuitive abilities. Some might call them mind reading, fortune telling, or spirit channeling, but these abilities aren’t necessarily supernatural forces giving us magical power.

It’s time to get a clearer idea of what intuitive skills are… 

The “Clairs” 

Most commonly, intuitive abilities together are referred to as the “clairs.” Etymologically French in origin, “clair” means “clear.” Each “clair” ability matches to our basic human senses.

Clair abilities include clairvoyance (clear sight), clairaudience (clear sound), clairsentience (clear touch), claircognizance (clear knowledge), clairalience (clear scent), and clairgustance (clear taste). We will focus on the first 4 today, as they are the most common intuitive abilities.

In reference to their sensual connection, clair abilities enhance your senses to detect a clearer intuitive message through sight, sound, touch, or thought. 

Who Has Them?

We believe that everyone has clair abilities in different measure, but not everyone is willing to invest time to learn how to strengthen intuitive abilities.

We each have a different calling in this world – whether defined by starseed origins, divine command, or some greater purpose. Some are meant to demonstrate presence and living in the moment – perhaps psychic abilities don’t resonate for their calling.

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Some people have physiological causes that sharpen certain senses over others. For example, someone with limited or no sight ability may naturally have heightened hearing or sense of touch. They have a unique gift and may not need to practice clairaudience as much as others.

Others are meant to guide and lead and need to have access to divine messages and visions from other dimensions to fulfill their role on earth. That’s why exploring “clair” abilities can be so important.

what are intuitive skills

Types of Intuitive Abilities

With a peek into the “clairs,” let’s dive into more specific characteristics of the four main intuitive abilities…


It’s one thing to have 20/20 vision, but it’s quite another level to see images, auras, energy fields, and paranormal beings. This is clairvoyance, and you don’t need a crystal ball to tap into it.

Clairvoyance doesn’t necessarily mean that you see something in your physical space, but rather that in your mind’s eye, also known as the third eye, you have a vision that sends a message.

This message may contain a metaphor and it requires interpretation.

For example, having a vision of a fire burning everything around a person – home, belongings, money – while not harming the person may be a sign that the way that person is currently living doesn’t fulfill their needs and purpose. They might be due for a transformative, clarifying experience – a burning – to clear their new path ahead.

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Clairvoyance can also come as a flash of color or an object that symbolizes something in a person’s life.


If you’ve played the game of whisper down the lane, you know that whispers don’t always carry the clearest words….

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in CosmicCuts.com. All the rights of content are owned by CosmicCuts.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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