Heart Chakra Healing Guide | Anahata Chakra

Heart Chakra, or ‘Anahata‘, is the central point of your entire chakra system and a place where you can finally realize the oneness of all things.

Healing your heart chakra will allow you to ultimately transcend the ego and connect to the unifying force of love

Love is the essence of your soul, and your heart center has its own unique intelligence.

  • Would you like to learn how to forget the past and live entirely in the present moment?
  • Have you ever wondered how to escape the illusion of duality?
  • Do you wish to become aware of who you truly are?

In this article, I am going to attempt to answer some of these questions and help you to discover the unlimited potential, which resides within your beautiful heart chakra.

Let’s dive in.

Article Contents

1. What Is The Heart Chakra?
2. What Is The Function of Heart Chakra?
3. Heart Chakra Symbol Meaning | What Does The Heart Chakra Represent? 
4. Heart Chakra Color Meaning | Why Is The Heart Chakra Green?
5. Heart Chakra Imabalance | What Are The Main Signs Of Imbalanced Heart Chakra?
6. Heart Chakra Blockage
7. Heart Chakra Healing 
8. How Do Open My Heart Chakra?
Heart Chakra Breathing Exercises
– Heart Chakra Affirmations
– Heart Chakra Yoga Poses

– Heart Chakra Meditation
– Heart Chakra Stones and Crystals
– Healing Heart Chakra with Food
– Healing Heart Chakra with Essential Oils
9. Heart Chakra Opening Symptoms
10. References

What Is The Heart Chakra? 

The heart chakra is the fourth energy center from the bottom, located in the middle of the chest, near the heart. 

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The Sanskrit name for a heart chakra is ‘Anahata’, which translates to “unstruck” or “sound that is made without any two things striking” as it integrates two opposite forces (body and mind) with the unifying energy of love.

Heart chakra acts as a bridge between 3 lower chakras and 3 upper chakras. Balanced heart chakra vibrates to the color of green, with air as its dominant element.

Healthy heart chakra radiates the energy of unconditional love, openness, joy, compassion, and acceptance of the oneness of all life. 

Heart Chakra Anahata Symbols

What Is The Function of Heart Chakra?

Heart chakra functions as your spiritual center, which helps you to grow a loving connection to yourself and others by cultivating compassion, empathy, joy of being alive, and truth

Anahata connects you to the energy of life and a spirit through the power of unconditional love. In other words, your heart is a bridge between the ego and a spirit

When your heart chakra is in its healthiest state, it allows you to have a sense of oneness with everything and transcend duality. The energy of the heart chakra is similar to the qualities of air: it is expansive, formless, soft, and gentle.



Heart Chakra Symbol Meaning

The heart chakra symbol is represented by a green lotus with 12 petals and 2 intersecting triangles in the center, forming a hexagram. The first triangle symbolizes God’s masculine essence (interpreted as Shiva), and the second symbolizes God’s feminine essence (interpreted as Shakti). 

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Each petal of the heart chakra lotus is associated with one of 12 virtues of a pure heart:

  1. Love
  2. Harmony
  3. Empathy
  4. Understanding
  5. Purity
  6. Clarity
  7. Compassion
  8. Unity
  9. Forgiveness
  10. Kindness
  11. Peace
  12. Bliss

In Hindu mythology, Vaju, who is at the center of a heart chakra symbol, is the god associated with the heart chakra. Vaju is also known as the “deity of Life” and the god of air and wind. Heart Chakra Anahata Symbol

Heart Chakra Color Meaning

Green is a naturally calming color of life, as it encourages a general sense of good health and well-being. Green is also associated with feelings of compassion, kindness, and love.

The powerful energy of green represents growth, expansion, and opennessGreen is the most soothing color to your mind.

The abundance of green can be found anywhere in nature, so one of the best things you can do for your heart chakra is to spend some time outside in a forest or a park.

Girl in green park

Heart Chakra Imbalance 

Some of the main signs of imbalance in your heart chakra can be noticed as over-attachment in loveco-dependencyneediness, and feeling exhausted all the time.

When your heart chakra is imbalanced, it is difficult to relate to others, embrace others, and feel empathy or compassion. 

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For example: 

Imagine a person who desperately needs love, but at the same time is really afraid of it. The threat of lowering the defenses and letting the love in would leave him/her exposed and afraid of losing control. 

Take a moment and read through some of the questions below.

It will help you to determine whether your heart chakra is out of balance:  

  • Do you have trouble loving yourself and expressing your feelings openly?
  • Do you often ask yourself: ‘what is the meaning of life’?
  • Do you feel vulnerable to other…

Click here to read this complete article.

Disclaimer : This article is originally published in 7chakrastore.com. All the rights of content are owned by 7chakrastore.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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