Create Your Own Bowl of Reiki Healing Messages

There are mornings when I struggle with getting out of bed. The comfort of my bedroom entices me to linger. My arms and legs ask me to not move and to not let go of the total relaxation. Overnight all of my muscles have melted like butter. My dog will sense that I am stirring, so she will come over, lick my nose, and then she goes right back to snoring at my side.

Those are the mornings when a small bit of inspiration would help me to get up. A little bright spark of something to look forward to when I arise. I need a message from myself. A message that I wrote, with the aid of Reiki, to get me connected, centered, aligned, and send a bit of vibrant healing to myself.

Enter the idea for creating your own bowl of Reiki messages! A beautiful bowl of inspiration and meaningful messages that you yourself crafted. I hope the following allows you to create a method that is all your own.

Why a bowl?

A bowl is a receptive vessel for holding your thoughts. It allows your handcrafted messages space to nestle. A bowl allows you to reach in and shuffle the pieces of paper. It offers enough room, so you can feel about and intuitively select the message for that moment. A bowl is welcoming, the way it opens up and doesn’t constrict. It invites you to use it as part of your spiritual journey.

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My bowl for Reiki healing messages is a vintage Fireware in Peach Lustre, because it’s my favorite kitchen item. Now, if my husband had chosen the bowl? It would have been a plastic food storage bowl that we had lost the lid too. Neither way is right or wrong. We each selected the vessel we thought was the most appropriate and useful. Does your bowl need to be special? If you want it to be. It can be a bamboo salad bowl from the thrift store. Or, it can be a special heirloom piece. This is not something that needs to be the focus. The bowl is only the container.

My bowl of Reiki inspirational messages is open to my family. They can select one if they feel drawn to it. For fun, they can even craft their own. Sometimes, together, as a special way to bond. Or just spend time together, connected as a family, and unconnected to social media. We write messages together. It’s almost like a family game night. You could start with a single word and then ask your family to write their own message inspired by that word. Or, ask them to think of a time they felt happy and ask them to describe the sensations and create a message with their sensory words. Ask each person, “What message of light, happiness, and inspiration would you want to read?” and then ask them to leave that message in the bowl. Maybe they will pick their own message, or, maybe, it will brighten someone else’s day.

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Writing can be intimidating. Writing can feel like your thoughts are being judged. A blank piece of paper can stare at you like a test you forgot about. Sometimes, a paper never feels the tip of a pen sliding over the grains of fiber.

Create Your Own Bowl of Reiki Healing Messages

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