How To Feng Shui Your Wallet (& Purse)

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how to feng shui your wallet (and purse!) for abundance, prosperity, and wealth (9 easy feng shui wallet tips anyone can use)

It’s no secret that most of us want more money in our lives – even if we won’t openly admit it!

One of the easiest things you can do to attract more wealth into your life, wallet, home, and bank account is to feng shui your wallet.

how to feng shui your wallet for abundance and prosperity

As with all things Feng Shui, any time you rearrange your space, you are signaling to the Universe that you are ready for change.

Keeping an orderly wallet and purse is one of the ways you can tell the Universe you are ready for more money. 

When you feng shui your wallet, you are basically giving your money a beautiful place to stay, as well as circulating and clearing the Chi (energy) of your wallet & purse.

(If you haven’t read 10 feng shui money tips for manifesting wealth, click here to open it in a new tab and see how you can also Feng Shui your home for more money and not just your wallet!)

Four Easy Feng Shui Wallet Tips To Get You Started:

Tip #1: Get rid of any old receipts, trash, gum, candy wrappers, shopping lists, old membership cards, or anything else that has accumulated in your wallet or purse. 

All Feng Shui cures begin with a good cleaning, and that means feng shui for your wallet and purse too! 

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I know my purse tends to collect unnecessary items that have nothing to do with money, so one of the first things I do when I want to bring in more money is to clear out the clutter.

You want the experience of your wallet to be inspiring and fun, so that more money wants to be there!

how to organize your wallet for feng shui - woman holding red wallet with two 10 dollar bills

Tip #2: Organize your paper money!

Straighten out all of the money and make sure it’s not folded or crammed in your wallet or laying in the bottom of your purse. 

Organize the bills so they all face the same way. 

You can also organize the amounts in order from least to greatest! ???? If you don’t have any paper money – get some!  Even $1 or $5 will help attract more money into your life.

Tip #3: Get a coin purse for change or remove the change from your wallet.

If you tend to lose coins in your car, wallet, or in the bottom of your purse, you should organize that too!

Get a coin purse or keep a special cup in your car to collect loose change.

Every few days, empty that change into a bowl at home.

You could also keep a pretty bowl next to your wallet or purse and empty your change into it every time you come home.

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(Bonus: store those coins in the money area of your home or desk and watch them grow and increase your financial luck!)

Tip #4: If your wallet is broken or has holes in it, it’s time to get a new one!

Take a look at your current wallet. Is it in good shape? Do the zippers and snaps work correctly? Does it have holes, rips, or tears?

You want a good, solid foundation for your money, which means you don’t want it leaking out through a hole or falling out because the zipper is broken.

If your wallet isn’t in good shape, definitely consider buying a new one.

It doesn’t have to be expensive to be a good feng shui wallet. It just has to be in good condition!

What is the best feng shui wallet color? woman holding teal wallet with credit cards

What is the best feng shui wallet color to attract abundance?

Just an aside here: the best wallet color for feng shui is one that you LOVE.

Don’t buy a purple wallet just because it’s a feng shui wealth color. Only buy a purple one if you love it!

If you are buying a new wallet, buy one that makes you happy!

It is more important that you love it every time you see it than it is that it’s some “lucky color.”  That said, let’s discuss the feng shui wallet color meanings!

Feng Shui Wallet Color Meanings

Red:  Red is always the color of intensity, fire, and energy. If you want to stir up the energy and attract more money, a red wallet is always a good bet!

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Purple: Purple is the color of abundance, and is associated with the money area of the bagua. Purple is also traditionally the color of opulence and royalty!

Green: Green is the color of growth because it’s associated with the wood element.  A green wallet signals new beginnings and reaching new heights!

Brown: Brown is an earth tone, and the earth element represents a stable foundation. A brown wallet will attract stability and predictability in your finances!

Yellow: Dark, earthy yellow wallets will attract financial stability and dependability. Bright, sunny yellows can attract attention and cause more movement in your finances, which can equal more money!

Blue: Blue represents the water element, which represents abundance and energy flow in feng shui. Water is THE element of wealth and abundance! A blue wallet can cause more wealth to flow into your life! Make sure your wallet is nice and well-kept so it can hold all of that money coming your way!

Black: Black also represents the water element in feng shui. Black…

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