Where Do We Drain Our Energy

Where and how do we drain our energy? I have personally noticed a lot of conversations on internet and also in particular circles of people about how to protect my energy or how to protect it from people that are draining my energy and things like that.. It all might be true, but if to think deeper around this topic, unless we are actually willing to give our energy to somebody or we have particular predisposition or belief system that is giving our energy away, no one can actually take our energy from us.

Here I want to bring some awareness what we actually might be doing on a day to day basis that is draining our energy a lot and keeps us in a state of powerlessness at the end of a day and feeling totally drained. (for full explanation please watch my video)

Whenever we stuck in regrets. When we are in our regrets we are not in a present moment and certainly not looking in a future. We are stuck in a past experience, our past drama. Being constantly stuck in that past drama won’t serve us any good. You know the saying “where attention goes energy flows”….

We give all of our focus and attention to that past drama. And in that way we give all of our energy to our past. We can’t obviously change the past but we can change our relationship to it. If you regret about mistake you can take your lesson from it, learn it, allow yourself to simply learn from your mistake and move on. If you regret about a choice, think of it differently, it brought you where you are right now, it might have brought you really amazing people, it made you a better person.

Ask yourself a question “what kind of blessing that choice that I made brought to me?” Maybe that other choice was never meant to work for you.

Another way where we drain our energy is by being stuck in a vortex of negative emotions. Feeling resentful towards another person or ourselves or some place, and being stuck in these feelings will drain our energy. What attract what we feel. The same goes to other low vibratory feelings like shame or guilt, rejection. For resentment what you can do is to practice forgiveness on a daily basis, even if you’re are not able to forgive from your heart yet, practicing forgiveness daily at some point will create a click and it will happen naturally.

For feelings of guilt or shame, start investigate what makes you feel that emotion, why do you feel it. Maybe you was manipulated as a child, maybe there is a trauma stored and is triggering you. What is that shadow side? Start investigating and releasing it. Any action is much better then no action.

Being stuck in doubts, in a state of indecisiveness, is like being in limbo. When in doubt I use my inner voice, I sit a meditate (meditation, walk, dancing, anything to relax), and listen to my intuition, which way my heart resonates with, not my mind. Sometimes from the mind it may seem to be logical but the…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in annaozturk.com. All the rights of content are owned by annaozturk.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.
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