How to Manifest Someone to Think About You

Is it really possible to manifest someone to think about you?

The answer is yes; you can definitely manifest someone to think about you.

I’ll let you into a little secret…

You see, the law of attraction is always working, whether you are aware of it or not.

Your thoughts, feelings, and emotions constantly attract experiences into your life.

So if you’re thinking about someone a lot, then it’s likely that you will attract them into your life.

But how do you go about manifesting someone to think about you?

Well, you can do a few things to increase the chances of manifesting someone to think about you.

Let me share some of the things that have worked for me…

1. Know who you want to think about you

Clarity is key when it comes to manifestation.

The clearer you are about what you want, the easier it will be for the universe to bring it into your life.

So, before you begin the manifestation process, you need to know exactly who you want to think about you.

Maybe there’s someone you’ve been crushing on for a while, but you’re not sure if they feel the same way about you.

Or maybe there’s someone you’ve just met, and you want them to think about you.

Whoever it is, make sure to write down a detailed description of this person, include things like their:

  • Name.
  • Age.
  • Physical attributes.
  • Career path.
  • Hobbies.
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The more detailed your description is, the easier it’ll be for the manifestation process to deliver this person to you.

Not only that, but you also want to make sure your intentions are rooted in positive emotions.

Whatever you put out into the universe is reflected back to you, so if you’re putting out negative energy, that’s what you’ll get back in return.

Manifesting someone to think about you because you want to control or manipulate them isn’t going to work and will backfire.

I actually had a friend who used this manifestation technique to try and manifest her ex to become obsessed with her again.

Needless to say, it didn’t work out too well for her because she was coming from a place of anger and resentment.

So, make sure your intentions come from a place of love and positivity.

2. Let go of self-limiting beliefs

We all have self-limiting beliefs that often hold us back from achieving our goals and manifesting our desires.

I’m talking about negative thoughts like, “I’m not good enough,” or “I don’t deserve that.”

Although it’s easy for these thought processes to become automatic and a habit, they are not based on reality and only serve to hold you back.

When it comes to manifestation, if you don’t believe that you can have what you want, then you’re not going to get it.

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So it’s essential to become aware of your self-limiting beliefs and start challenging them.

For example, if you have a belief that you’re not good enough, ask yourself:

Where did this belief come from?

Is it really true?

What evidence do I have to support this belief?

Once you start to question your self-limiting beliefs, you’ll realize that they are nothing but thoughts that you’ve been telling yourself.

You can even use positive affirmations to help you let go of these negative thought patterns.

Some affirmations you can use to get started are:

  • “I am worthy of love and happiness.”
  • “I am capable of manifesting my desires.”
  • “I am open and receptive to love.”

3. Use the whisper manifestation method

The whisper manifestation method is a powerful way to attract what you want into your life.

It’s a simple but effective technique that involves visualizing your goal, then whispering your desire into the ear of the person you want to send the message to.

By visualizing your goal and whispering your desire, you’re sending a powerful vibration into the universe.

Instead of writing how a whole how-to, I’ll just give you a quick rundown of how to do it:

  • First, write your desire in a first-person perspective, using your name and keeping things as positive as possible.
  • Then, you want to find somewhere quiet where you can start to visualize.
  • Close your eyes and imagine the person you want to receive your whisper.
  • Once you have a clear mental image built up, imagine yourself in a white room – there is nothing in this room except for you and the person you want to receive your whisper.
  • See yourself walking up to the person you want to relay a message to. As you approach this person, gently place your hand on their shoulder and begin to whisper into their ear.
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Of course, this is just a quick overview – for a more in-depth guide, check out this post on the whisper manifestation method.

4. Release attachment to the outcome

This is probably one of the most challenging but important steps in manifesting what you want.

You see, when you’re attached to the outcome, you’re attached to a particular result happening.

And when you’re attached to a specific result, it means you’re not fully trusting in the universe to provide.

It also means that you’re…


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