How to Use Crystals in Feng Shui [Where to Put Your Crystals]

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Crystals can be a quick and easy way to change the energy flow in your home.

In fact, crystals and feng shui go hand in hand to help you achieve the positive Chi (life force energy) you’re looking for!

They can help your entire home to feel more grounded and full of positive energy!

Let’s go through all of the different ways you can use crystals in feng shui!

crystals and feng shui

First, let’s talk about the feng shui crystal ball.

This is a cut glass crystal that can be used as a feng shui cure to disperse good Chi throughout your home.

Feng shui crystal balls are usually hung by a red string from the ceiling to help direct energy.

Feng shui crystal balls can be used as a feng shui cure for:

Poison arrows – a feng shui crystal ball can soften sharp corners and edges that point directly at you, dispersing the energy.

Ceiling fans or ceiling beams – they disperse the energy that can “cut” you while sleeping or sitting under them.

Stairways – if you have a front door that opens into a stairway, crystal balls can disperse the energy so circulates instead of going directly upstairs.

Windows – they can stop Chi from escaping through large windows, especially those directly across from your front door.

Bathrooms – they can stop Chi from going into a bathroom and down the drain, like in a bedroom or small bathroom on the main floor.

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Feng shui faceted crystal balls take the Chi energy and direct it all around.

They can also be used in sunny windows to create rainbows that uplift and disperse fire energy throughout your space!

feng shui crystal ball

How to Use Crystals in Feng Shui

Now, let’s talk about feng shui crystals and stones.

Crystals and stones have their own energetic footprint that can help change the energy in your home.

Crystals like amethyst clusters and quartz points, for example, carry their own energy.

They can do things like absorb negative energy, create positive energy, attract love vibrations, and more!

You can use them in specific areas of your home to help change its frequency and help you attract and manifest the things you want!

You can use feng shui crystals and stones in several different ways.

You can add them to different areas of the bagua, to increase that bagua’s frequency and help you attract things you want.

This can be based on the crystal’s color or inherent properties.

You can also use them to balance the feng shui elements.

These posts have more information about using crystals to balance the five elements: fire element crystals, water element crystals, earth element crystals, metal element crystals, and wood element crystals.

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Let’s go through the different areas of the feng shui bagua map and how to use it to figure out where to place your crystals!

chevron amethyst towers

Where to Put Crystals in Your Home

The feng shui bagua map is the energy map of your home that shows you which areas of your home correlate to the different areas of your life.

Each quadrant of the map represents a different area, and each area corresponds to a different color and feng shui element.

Career Area

The career area correlates to your career or life path.

You can place crystals here to enhance your job or life path.

Crystals associated with this area are those related to your career, water element crystals, and black crystals.

Three crystals to boost your career area are:

Pyrite – pyrite is known to attract wealth and success. It also helps you take decisive action in the direction of your dreams!

Citrine – citrine is the merchant’s stone. It attracts money and success in business. It also uplifts energy and helps you be more positive and optimistic!

Green Aventurine – green aventurine is THE stone for good luck. It helps you be in the right place at the right time. It can draw in helpful people and attract new opportunities. If you are looking for a new job, try green aventurine!

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You can also use crystals in this area to help you protect your energy in a negative workplace. This post has more info: Crystals for work

Knowledge and Wisdom Area

The knowledge and wisdom area relates to learning, spiritual connection, manifestation, and meditation.

You can use crystals here to help students in your household, to help you connect to your inner wisdom and inner knowing, or to increase your mental sharpness and recall.

Place earth element crystals, crystals associated with spiritual wisdom and the crown or third eye chakras, and blue crystals of all kinds here!

Three crystals that go well in this area:

Amethyst – amethyst helps attract spiritual wisdom. It’s also a great stone for positive energy and to calm your mind during meditation or studying.

Celestite – celestite is a peaceful stone that can help you connect to your spirit guides or guardian angels. It also helps with communication.

Fluorite – fluorite is the student’s…

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