How to Use Feng Shui Wind Chimes for Wealth and Good Fortune!

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Could you use more wealth and abundance in your life?

Would you like to increase good fortune and attract new opportunities?

If so, it’s time to try feng shui wind chimes in your home!

Wind chimes placed by your front door or in different areas of your home can attract fresh energy, good luck, and even wealth!

Let’s discuss using wind chimes for good feng shui!

feng shui wind chimes

What is the Purpose of Feng Shui Wind Chimes?

The purpose of using feng shui wind chimes around your home is to attract beneficial Chi (life-force energy) as well as break up stagnant energy and move it.

Wind chimes do this in two ways: movement and sound.

You can use wind chimes in different areas of your home to create movement, which increases flow and removes stuck energy.

Or you can use them outside of your home to attract good fortune and auspicious Chi into your home and life.

wood and metal wind chimes hanging on a porch

Wind Chimes Spiritual Meaning

Wind chimes originated in Ancient Rome, as a way to ward off evil spirits.

They were often hung outside of buildings as protection from the evil eye and negative energies.

This eventually lead to wind chimes being used in Ancient China as a way to repel negative spirits and attract good Chi.

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Over time, wind chimes have become symbols of new beginnings, positive energy, and even communication from the spiritual realm.

They are thought to attract peaceful energy and repel harmful energy.

As with all things in feng shui, different types of wind chimes have different meanings.

The meanings come from the materials the wind chimes are made of, the number of rods the wind chimes have, and whether or not they have other auspicious feng shui symbols included (like birds, fish, bells, or coins.)

bamboo wind chimes

Wind Chime Materials and Their Meanings

The materials the wind chimes are made of get their meanings from the five elements of feng shui. You can use wind chimes made of different materials to activate and balance that element.

Metal Wind Chimes represent the metal element. The metal element is responsible for clarity, mental acuity, productivity, creativity, and completing projects.

Crystal Wind Chimes represent the water element. The water element is responsible for wealth, good fortune, and energy flow.

Bamboo Wind Chimes and other wind chimes made of wood represent the wood element. The wood element represents upward momentum, growth, and new beginnings.

Wind chimes made of natural materials, like ceramic or sea shells, represent the earth element. The earth element is responsible for good health, stability, grounding, and a solid foundation in life.

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Number of Rods

Numbers hold a lot of meaning in feng shui. You can use wind chimes with a specific number of rods to invoke the meaning of that number and help that energy circulate.

4 Rods: Security and a solid foundation in life.
5 Rods: The five elements of feng shui, the cycle of life, and creating balance and harmony.
6 Rods: Calm, nurturing energy and the ability to share wealth with others.
7 Rods: Personal growth and self awareness.
8 Rods: Prosperity, abundance, and success.
9 Rods: Completion and the pinnacle of success.

wood and metal feng shui wind chimes

Types of Wind Chimes for Feng Shui

You can also choose wind chimes with symbolism to harness the energy of that symbol and increase it in your life.

Wind Chimes with Bells – Feng shui bells attract good fortune and abundance for the same reasons wind chimes do – they break up energy and attract auspicious Chi with their sound. Wind chimes and bells together are even more powerful!

Wind Chimes with Dragonflies – Dragonflies represent transformation and new beginnings.

Wind Chimes with Birds – Birds represent freedom, happiness, and the arrival of good news.

Wind Chimes with Fish – Fish represent abundance and prosperity flowing into your life.

Wind Chimes with Elephants – Elephants represent blessings, success, power, strength, and loyalty.

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Wind Chimes with Feng Shui Coins – Feng shui coins represent good luck, good fortune, and financial success.

Wind Chimes with Butterflies – Butterflies represent transformation, rebirth, freedom, and attracting a romantic partner.

Wind Chimes with a Mystic Knot – The mystic knot represents a continuous flow of abundance and prosperity with no beginning and no end.

Wind Chimes with Red Strings – Red attracts auspicious Chi and activates the fire element, which is the catalyst for change.

wind chimes with a lady bug and butterfly decoration

Feng Shui Wind Chimes Placement

In feng shui, wind chimes can be placed in different areas of your home to break up energy, create flow, and activate that segment of the feng shui bagua map. They can also be used to redirect energy and keep it flowing throughout your home.


Placing wind chimes outside can attract attention and break up inauspicious Chi.

If you live on a busy street, for example, you can place wind chimes on your porch or under eaves to…

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