How to Feng Shui A Kid’s Bedroom (Layout, Colors, & More!)

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Would you like to help your child get a better night’s sleep?

Would you like to help them get better grades, have better health, and even enjoy their room more?

Using feng shui for your kid’s bedroom can help in all of those areas!

Let’s discuss the best feng shui tips for your child’s room!

Feng Shui And Your Child’s Bedroom

In feng shui, your bedroom is one of the most important areas of your home.

Because your bedroom is your intimate, personal space and where you go to rest every day, it’s directly related to your health and well-being.

Your bedroom is supposed to be a safe place where you can relax and recharge from the stress of daily life.

And in feng shui, it’s even recommended that your bedroom ONLY be used for resting, relaxing, and privacy with your romantic partner.

You aren’t even supposed to have a tv or work area in your bedroom!

But when it comes to feng shui for your child’s bedroom, creating a room that’s ONLY used for resting and relaxing isn’t usually practical.

Most children’s rooms have to be used to contain everything they own!

How are you supposed to create a relaxing bedroom that’s filled with homework, electronics, toys, puzzles, and games?

feng shui kids bedroom - bedroom with lots of happy decor and soft bedding

In this case, it can be more helpful to think of your child’s room as you would a studio apartment.

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Their bedroom is their space.

In fact, it’s often the only space in the home that is solely theirs.

Their bedroom should be filled with things they love and cherish and be set up in a way that creates harmony – regardless of whether it’s “perfect feng shui.”

With that in mind, here’s how to feng shui your kid’s bedroom in a way that sets them up for success!

Feng Shui Tips for a Kid’s Bedroom

Declutter, Clean, and Organize

Decluttering and organizing are always the first steps to good feng shui, and that includes the feng shui of your child’s room.

Decluttering, cleaning, and organizing refresh the energy of a room and help create more flow.

Go through your child’s bedroom every few months and reorganize, sort, and declutter.

Look for:

  • Broken items or items in disrepair. Broken items lead to “broken” energy, and can create chaos and frustration in all areas of your child’s life.
  • Items that are no longer used, useful, or loved.
  • Trash, old food, smelly items, or other things that should be thrown out or cleaned.
  • Items or clothing they’ve outgrown.
  • Items for interests or hobbies they are no longer interested in.
  • Items or decor that are a “mismatch” for where they are in that phase of life (if they no longer love them.) Try to keep things in their room that are age appropriate, as this will reflect how they feel about themselves in their life.
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cozy child's bedroom with muted colors and artwork

Your Child’s Bed

For optimal feng shui, your child’s bed should have a solid headboard.

Wood furniture is also best because it represents solid, stable, and grounded energy.

Bedding should be soft and comfortable, with cozy layers that can be added and removed with the seasons.

The bed position should be:

  • In the command position. This means they can see the door when laying in bed, and the head of the bed is not on the same wall as the door.
  • Across from the door, but not directly in front of the door.
  • On a solid wall, if possible.

If the bed has to be directly in front of the door, you can place a piece of furniture at the foot of the bed, or make sure there’s a footboard on the bed to soften the energy.

If the bed has to be under a window, make sure it has a good headboard and/or curtains that can be drawn behind the bed while sleeping.

Consider Closed Storage

Because a lot of items in your child’s room will carry active energy, like toys or electronics, it can be helpful to have a lot of closed storage in the room.

Being able to put things away at night can help contain the energy so it doesn’t disrupt your child’s sleep.

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Of course, closed storage can also mean “out of sight, out of mind” so don’t forget to go through the storage cabinets when cleaning and decluttering.

child's bedroom with fox themed artwork and decor

Choose Restful Colors

Colors should be restful, and not too bright or vibrant.

Vibrant colors like neon colors or even saturated primary colors carry a lot of energy.

Instead, think of neutrals (grays, beiges, earth tones) and pastels (light pink, lavender, sky blue, etc.)

This will create a more calm environment and balance the active energy of the rest of your child’s belongings.

Decor and Artwork

Ideally, for good feng shui in a kid’s room, the decor should be more restful and age-appropriate.

Of course, your child’s room should also reflect their personality and be something they love!

So if your child is really into superheroes (which have lots of bright colors, active energy, and are often pointing, jumping, or shooting at things ????) that is perfectly okay to…

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