How to Wear Healing Crystal Jewelry for Best Results | Cosmic Cuts©

INSIDE: Discover the benefits of wearing healing crystal jewelry. Find out why amethyst, rose quartz, and black tourmaline are our favorite crystals to wear, and learn how to wear them for the best results.

If you’ve noticed people everywhere sporting crystal jewelry, and you’ve wondered if it’s just a new style trend, here’s the deal…

Crystals never go out of style, and they have been worn and adored since as far back as we know, but what’s becoming more and more in style these days is spirituality and metaphysical stuff.

People are yearning for a deeper connection to life, and healing crystal jewelry is one of the best ways to get it. There are so many benefits to wearing crystal jewelry. Let’s look at them now.

What Are the Benefits of Wearing Healing Crystal Jewelry?

It’s Beautiful!

Duh! Crystals and stones are one of the most beautiful accessories you can wear.

Whether it’s a pendant, necklace, bracelet, ring, or earrings, crystal jewelry is stunning and puts a dazzling finishing touch on any ensemble. 

It’s Healing!

Crystals have been used for thousands of years to heal and improve lives. Each crystal has unique metaphysical healing properties and healing attributes that can produce powerful results in our lives.

Crystals work with the energy centers (chakras) in the body to remove energy blockages and heal the body, mind, and spirit.

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Our energy drastically influences our health, and since healing crystal jewelry resonates with and improves the energy in our body, crystals can help us lead healthier happier lives.

When we wear healing crystal jewelry, it raises our vibration and renews our energy, which transforms our health and well-being in pretty miraculous ways.

Healing Crystal Jewelry Raises Our Vibration

It’s Easy!

When it comes to getting help with an issue in your life, what could be easier than slipping on a bracelet or wearing a necklace? Most other modalities and treatments are much more difficult and time-consuming than that.

It’s Convenient!

Not only is wearing healing crystal jewelry an easy way to improve your life, but it is also incredibly convenient. To be able to bring such powerful healing stones with you wherever you go is quite amazing if you think about it.

And by the way, don’t devalue the size of the crystals and think that they aren’t very powerful because they are so small.

As we explained in our article about stone energy, crystal beads put out personal energy that will extend out about a foot around us.

It’s Meaningful!

Crystals are regular characters in folklore and ancient history. Each one has had meaning in history, and each one has a unique meaning to each person.

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You might agree or disagree with the historical meaning, but either way your healing crystal jewelry will have significance for you.

It’s Powerful!

When we allow crystals to touch our skin, especially for a prolonged amount of time like we do while wearing healing crystal jewelry, the stone energy can more easily raise your vibration and infuse your aura.

That means your body will be humming with their healing energy.

How to Wear Crystal Jewelry CTA

What is the Best Healing Crystal Jewelry to Wear?

Now, we’d like to introduce you to our favorite types of healing crystal jewelry. The following healing stones are the ones we find ourselves turning to again and again, especially in the form of jewelry.

Healing Benefits of Wearing Amethyst

Amethyst Necklace

Amethyst is one of the best crystals for promoting a sense of calm and relieving stress. It settles the mind, preparing it for sleep and meditation. It also aids in the decision-making process and creates a sense of calm alertness.

The amethyst stone provides protection, transmuting negative energies into positive, loving energy.

It resonates with the energy of the crown chakra and third eye chakra, serving to enhance communication from the Divine, improve our intuition, and deepen our understanding of ourselves and others.

Amethyst also promotes healthy cell regeneration, improves blood circulation, and inhibits bacterial growth.

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Amethyst healing properties are vast as it is one of the most versatile crystals on this earth. 

Healing Benefits of Wearing Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz Necklace

Rose quartz is probably the most nurturing of all the healing crystals. Its tender energy helps us live with more compassion and peace.

It brings us self-love and self-acceptance, and it envelopes us in unconditional love of all kinds (romance, friendships, brotherly love, and self-love).

Rose Quartz is the stone that heals emotions, including heartache, paranoia, self-pity, possessiveness, control, fear, anger, resentment, and more.

It balances emotions and replaces them with feelings of self-acceptance, gratitude, trust, and confidence.

Rose quartz also promotes cardiovascular and circulatory health, and it supports the female reproductive system and childbirth.

Healing Benefits of Wearing Black Tourmaline

Black Tourmaline Necklace

Black Tourmaline is considered the stone of protection because it protects on all levels at once (spiritual, physical, mental, emotional, environmental).

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