Test: What Can You Understand About a Person by the Way They Sit? – betterifyouknow

Today we advise you to take a look at the pose in which a person loves to sit. It will inform you of some traits of one’s character.

1 . Leaning forward
Only sensitive and painful and very orderly people love to sit in this position. They know how to find a common language with every one. These are real observers who like to follow people’s habits and evaluate their behavior. They have a perfectly developed sense of self-control, excellent self-discipline, and intelligence.

2. Crossed legs
These folks intuitively simply shut themselves off from society. They don’t prefer to communicate and broadly speaking try to lead an unsocial lifestyle. They love to live in their “world”. This is how they feel comfortable. They don’t want anything else. At exactly the same time, they are very interesting and deep thinking individuals. If this type of person communicates with you, he has enable you to into his world, which means he is prepared to open up. Don’t miss this opportunity.

3. Arms crossed
In case a person sits making use of their arms crossed, they are very determined. He’s independent and self-sufficient and does not want to accept someone’s help. These people get it all on their own and rarely reveal themselves to anyone. If this kind of person is your friend, remember that they will be probably the most faithful and devoted.

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4. “Modest” position
If a person sits and hides his hands in tight legs, he has a softer and more understanding nature. She is always ready to help, support in any situation, or just listen. Despite almost all their sweet nature, these folks have a psychological mentality. They will never betray their intelligence. So don’t make an effort to fool them.

5. With one leg open
If a person sits with a slightly spread leg, then you have a balanced person before you. It is difficult to drive these people crazy. They try to always remain calm. If the proper leg is opened, then the person isn’t gullible with an inquiring mind. If the left, its main character trait is adventurism.

6. Relaxed position
If a person seems relaxed in the chair and crosses his feet, then you can be sure of his command inclinations. It can be difficult to communicate with these people. It is because they have too high an estimate of themselves. Often , thousands of people follow these people’s ideas! Therefore , their entrepreneurial streak shouldn’t be doubted.

7. Hands on the knees
If a person sits upright with his practical his knees, you then need to know that he includes a very nice disposition and strong character. Such individuals are able to discover a way out of even the most difficult situation. It is worth noting that arguing with one of these people is simply futile. They will never quit, even if they know they are wrong.

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8. Intertwined hands
Does the person interlock their fingers? Know that you’re next to a cheerful person. These are positive individuals who are capable of infecting everyone with their optimism. But these people have weaknesses, they often make inappropriate jokes. Sometimes they let something slip without realizing that they are completely out of place instead of funny.

9. Inclination towards a part
If your person likes to sit and lean to either side, his excessive curiosity will probably be worth noting. These people frequently have a special charm. They know how to impress the audience. If you tilt to the right the individual is quite contained, on the left he’s extravagant.

10. Lotus position
If a person prefers this position, then he is carefree and frivolous. That he does not elaborate on the solution of any problems. All life follows the flow. These people very easily attract others to their side. They are malleable in every matters. However , they’re touchy and very vindictive. Therefore , don’t make sure they are angry.

By learning to read body gestures, you can get to know your lover better. After all, people try to look unique of they really are. By noticing the details, you can quickly discover the whole essence of those around you.

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