Overactive Crown Chakra? The 7 Warning Signs To Watch For

Regardless of personal beliefs, spirituality has always been a part of human history.

Whether we want to admit it or not, we are all divine beings with souls.

Not only do we have a spiritual body (the soul) and a physical body, but we also have an energetic or subtle body.

The crown chakra is the seventh and highest chakra in the human system.

It is our bridge to the divine and the energy that connects us to all that is.

All of this information is rather exciting and can lead to over-activity in the crown chakra.

It’s crucial to watch out for these seven warning signs of an overactive crown chakra. 

What are the signs of an overactive crown chakra? Empathy, inability to connect, hypersomnia/insomnia, superiority complex, self-destructive, spiritually obsessed, and being overwhelmed by knowledge are signs of an overactive crown chakra. The more time you spend in your head and disconnected from the physical world, the worse it gets. 

Knowing the signs of an overactive crown chakra is important, but discovering the cause of the symptoms could point to the best method for rebalancing.  

Causes Of An Overactive Crown Chakra

Causes Of An Overactive Crown Chakra

The crown chakra is the holiness center within the physical and subtle bodies.

It physically resides at the crown of the head and is associated with the pituitary gland, pineal gland, and hypothalamus.

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Not to be mistaken with the third-eye chakra that is embodied in the pineal gland as well. 

Rather, the crown chakra is associated with the physical aspects of the pineal and other hormonal glands in the body.

When this chakra is overactive, it can cause an imbalance in the hormonal levels in the body, which leads to aggressive and judgmental behavior. 

The mind is extremely powerful.

It creates your entire reality. 

It can be the single cause of an overactive crown chakra because the crown chakra resides in the brain. 

The most common time for the crown chakra to be overactive is immediately after it is activated.

The first time someone activates their crown chakra is what some people also consider to be their spiritual awakening. 

The first time you have a spiritual awakening is an extremely exciting time.

You receive an influx of downloads and knowledge about the world within you and without.

It easy to become addicted to the knowledge and feeling you receive from this chakra activation.

In turn, you could become “spiritually obsessed,” finding yourself always thinking about the subtle and religious parts of life. 

Other Potential Causes: 

Potential causes of overactive crown chakra

The mind very much so controls the regulation of the crown chakra.

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When the mind is in chaos, it can disrupt the flow within the crown chakra as well.

Specific life events can throw the mind and hormonal body completely out of whack. 

Some of these events include: 

  • Stress 
  • Physical and mental illness
  • Trauma
  • Emotional upheaval 
  • Personal conflict

Life events that are particularly negative, like the passing of a loved one, can be detrimental to the health of the crown chakra.

It’s important to note that mastering the flow of the crown chakra can help you handle negative life events with a stable mental and emotional state, but no matter what, a slight imbalance is likely to occur.

Do not beat yourself up for this, as it is completely normal. 

The thing about the crown chakra is that it is very much connected to the mental and non-physical world, but it can manifest itself in the physical body just as much.

Everything in this life is connected.

Every action has an equal and opposite reaction, even the chakra system. 

In fact, from the moment you first unblock your crown chakra, you are likely to get a whole slew of physical symptoms as well as mental, emotional, and spiritual.

The crown chakra has a way of taking the life you once knew and presenting it to you in a way you’ve yet to see it.

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In other words, it has a way of turning your life upside down. 

Here is more information on what it feels like to have a blocked crown chakra, as well as information on what it feels like when the crown chakra is opening

Below is a list of the seven common signs and symptoms one might feel when they have an overactive crown chakra:

7 Signs & Symptoms Of An Overactive Crown Chakra

Signs & Symptoms Of An Overactive Crown Chakra

Over-activity in the crown chakra is completely normal.

It might be the chakra most closely connected to Divine Source Energy, but it can just as easily become off balance.

The causes, while they are usually mental, can also be quite physical.

You may even feel the effects of an overactive crown chakra simply because another chakra is underactive, like the sacral chakra, for instance.

Regardless of what causes the imbalance, what is important is to know how to recognize the imbalance early so you can take steps to regain…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in SubconsciousServant.com. All the rights of content are owned by SubconsciousServant.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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