Sometimes Healing Doesn’t Mean a Cure

Although the world-wide COVID pandemic has created many challenges and hardships, there have also been many good things that have come of these circumstances. And one of the gifts that has emerged is the renewed interest and awareness in holistic practices, specifically in energy medicine. As Reiki practitioners, we will have many opportunities to make a difference in many lives, as we support people through positive change.

One thing we all face is the reality that healing does not always mean curing. We typically observe so many little moments of magic in our practices, and our faith in the process becomes so much deeper, that it is sometimes hard to accept that Reiki cannot provide a physical cure in all circumstances. Because we operate in the physical world, the body will eventually begin to break down, until it no longer serves us. This is inevitable, and no one escapes this process of decline and death of the physical body. No amount of energy work can prevent this natural progression.

Healing on a high vibrational level is always conceivable, but healing on the physical level is not always possible. Curing is not the same as healing. To cure is to eradicate physical symptoms. To heal is to create a state of completeness, a state of wholeness. Healing is to treat the whole body – mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical. As healers we support others in their search to attain wholeness, an overall sense of well-being, regardless of the outcome of palliative medicine.

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Sometimes Healing Doesn’t Mean a Cure

When the physical body is in its natural decline, Reiki will still offer support and strength to the emotional, mental, and spiritual body. When faced with life-threatening circumstances, that will not ultimately be cured, healing will still occur. Buried feelings can be unlocked and released, fear associated with an unknown future can be soothed, mental anguish due to regrets can be processed and let go, relationships can be mended, and love can be given. And on a physical level, Reiki will help reduce stress and anxiety, produce deep relaxation, and mitigate some of the physical discomfort from some treatments. Healing of the whole person promotes the peaceful transition of the physical body as it begins its process of releasing the soul.

Reiki will also help with the grief felt by those who are left in the physical world. Grief following the death of a loved one can be distressful to the point of becoming debilitating. Reiki will help to soften the edges of grief, eventually relieving the pain, and allowing the grief to transform into memories of laughter and love.

Although curing is not always the result of energy healing, Reiki has a very important role to play in healing the emotional, mental, and spiritual body as the soul begins its shift to another plane of existence. Healing in the form of peace to the person leaving the physical world, or healing the…

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