These are the Best Crystals for the Workplace

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If you’ve been using crystal healing in your life for a while, you might be well-versed in using crystals throughout your home.

But did you know you can also use crystals for work?

Whether you work in an office space, a retail location, or even if you’re self-employed and working from home, crystals can help you change the vibrations while you work.

In fact, using crystal healing in your work environment can help your energy even more than using them at home!

crystals for work - small clear quartz on top of an old book

We all know that workplaces generally have a mix of energies and you can’t always choose who you work with or interact with on a daily basis.

This is where crystals can really help!

Using crystals for work can help you ward off negative energy, lower work stress, create more mental clarity, generate success vibes and financial abundance, and more!

Crystals for the workplace fall into two categories, depending on their purpose and specific properties.

  • crystals for work success
  • crystals for work stress / crystals for protection at work

Crystals for work success can help you generate positive vibes, have more mental clarity, and attract wealth and abundance through your career.

They generally fall into the category of crystals that attract positive energy.

They help you create an environment at work where you can thrive.

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Crystals for work stress or protection at work help you create a protective bubble around yourself.

They deflect negative energy, help you reduce stress, or can even help you move past an unwanted situation.

These generally fall into the category of protection and grounding crystals.

They help you stay rooted and secure in yourself no matter what the outside circumstances in your work or office look like.

Crystals for Work Success:

Do you need help reaching your goals or being recognized for your accomplishments?

Would your workplace benefit from better communication or more peace and tranquility?

Do you just want everyone to get along and help each other?

If so, try one of these crystals for work success.

They can help you generate more income, get a promotion or raise, be recognized for your hard work, or even help with team building and compassion among coworkers.

Rose Quartz:

rose quartz

Rose quartz is one of the best crystals for creating a more peaceful work environment.

It enhances the vibrations of unconditional love and compassion.

If you’re having a hard time connecting with others at work, using rose quartz can help you create more deep connections.

It can also help you love your work!

If you already love your work, using rose quartz will just amplify that feeling even more, and help others within your sphere love their work as well!

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You can wear rose quartz, or keep it on your desk’s feng shui relationship area to enhance all of your work relationships.

See this post for more info about rose quartz: how to use rose quartz for love


various amethyst crystals

Amethyst is a stone of positive energy and high vibration.

It melts stress and can bring more balance to your emotions. It also enhances focus and motivation!

Amethyst is an all-around great crystal to have in your collection because it does so many different things.

You can use it to attract more wealth and abundance, communicate with your spirit guides, and even reduce fear, anger, and anxiety.

Place amethyst on your desk’s feng shui wealth corner to attract more prosperity, or on your desk’s feng shui wisdom area if you need more clarity or guidance in your work.

Clear Quartz:

clear quartz tumble

Clear quartz is a powerful crystal that is called the “master healer” for a reason!

It balances all of the chakras, from root to crown. It enhances mental clarity and can help you clear what’s blocking you.

And you can program it to hold ANY intention.

It also amplifies other crystals — but it will also amplify whatever energy is in your workspace.

So it’s important to program your clear quartz with your intentions, otherwise, you can make things worse instead of better!

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Use clear quartz for ANY work or business intention.

You can also wear it for greater clarity and sense of purpose.

See this post about how to feng shui your desk to see where you should place your clear quartz so it correlates with your intention!


chrysocolla crystal

Chrysocolla is the Stone of Communication.

It opens the throat chakra, helping you speak your truth and inner wisdom.

It is also a stone of personal empowerment, helping you connect to your experiences and communicate them.

Chrysocolla is helpful any time you are struggling with public speaking or teaching others, calming feelings of fear and stress while helping you use your voice.

You can keep chrysocolla on your desk’s knowledge and wisdom area to enhance wisdom and communication.

Green Aventurine:

green aventurine crystals in a heart shape

Green aventurine is the stone…

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