Twin Flame Dark Night Of The Soul [10 Signs You’re In One]

The Spiritual awakening process has many difficult stages, meant to help us grow and develop spiritually, but the Twin Flame Dark Night of the Soul may be one of the most difficult experiences a person can go through. 

The internet is abundant in information about the Twin Flame Journey and about the Dark Night of the Soul, yet little is being said about the Twin Flame Dark Night of the Soul. 

In this article, I aim to shed some light upon this topic and to help those who are currently dealing with this challenge. 

To do this, I am going to explain what the Twin Flame Dark Night of the Soul is, and what are the signs that show you are going through it, as well as tips on how to emerge from it as a better, more powerful version of yourself.

What is a Twin Flame Dark Night of the Soul

The twin flame dark night of the soul

A Twin Flame Dark Night of the Soul is a rather new spiritual concept, which stemmed from the fact that it was noticed how the Dark Night of the Soul and the Twin Flame Journey are sometimes happening almost simultaneously, having a powerful impact on the person experiencing them.

Thus, the Twin Flame Dark Night of the Soul is the experience in which the Dark Night of the Soul and the Twin Flame Journey are interconnected. 

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Now, these two spiritual experiences can be interconnected in many ways. 

In some cases, the Dark Night of the Soul can be triggered by the meeting of one’s Twin Flame. 

In other cases, the Dark Night of the Soul begins first, and the person meets their Twin Flame as a part of the Dark Night. 

Many people ask themselves if during the Twin Flame Dark Night of the Soul both Twins go through the Dark Night of the soul simultaneously. 

My honest belief is that this is not always the case.

Even if they are Twin Flames, people still have different spiritual journeys and they deal with different challenges. 

Sometimes Twin Flames can experience the Dark Night of the Soul at the same time, but it is not always the case. 

It all depends on the stage of their journey and how far from Union they are. 

What is the Purpose of the Twin Flame Dark Night of the Soul?

twin flame going through the dark night of the soul

The purpose of the Twin Flame Dark Night of the soul is to help you grow and evolve spiritually, shedding light on the wounds that you still have to heal to become your best, most healed, and powerful version of yourself. 

Meeting your Twin Flame will reflect those aspects of you that are related to relationships and that still need healing. 

Also, depending on how the Union process goes, you can see how far you are from becoming the best version of yourself. 

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During the Dark Night of the Soul, the Universe makes you face your deepest fears and insecurities, as well as paying your heaviest karmic debts. 

The Dark Night of the Soul and your Twin Flame journey go well hand in hand because they both serve the purpose of showing you where there are still unhealed aspects of yourself or heavy karma to pay. 

If you take a close look at the heavy karma that is still unpaid, you will understand what spiritual lessons you failed to understand in your previous lives, and also you can make sure you’re not repeating the mistakes in this life. 

Thus, the Dark Night of the Soul and the Twin Flame Journey form together the Twin Flame Dark Night of the Soul and is a spiritual experience meant to help you heal at fast speed everything that was not healed before, or to understand any spiritual lesson not previously understood. 

The Twin Flame Dark Night of the Soul is an incredibly difficult experience, which can oftentimes feel excruciatingly painful, and can leave some people feeling lost, desperate and hopeless. 

Before I delve into how to emerge from this experience as a healed, more powerful version of yourself, have a look at the following 10 signs that you are going through the Twin Flame Dark Night of the Soul: 

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Signs of a Twin Flame Dark Night of the Soul

signs of a twin flame dark night of the soul

1. You are experiencing the main symptoms of the Dark Night of the Soul

The first sign that you are in Twin Flame Dark Night of the Soul is that you find yourself living all the symptoms of the Dark Night of the Soul. 

The main symptoms of the Dark Night of the Soul are life-altering difficult experiences such as losses or illness that have a huge impact on your life, continuous somatic symptoms with no medical cause, feeling disoriented, lost, and hopeless, and having the feeling that your whole world has crashed. 

Many people also experience depression, anxiety, or other mental issues which need psychological or psychiatric help – depending on their severity.

The purpose of the Dark Night of the Soul is to dismantle what you previously believed to be true about yourself and the world and to show some deeper, more profound spiritual meanings of life. 

This more profound meaning of life can only be achieved…

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