What are the 6 Intentions to Set for 2022?

Where has the time gone? Just like that, we’ve reached the end of 2021 – and now is our chance to turn a new page and set our sights on the future. In this blog, I’ll share with you 6 intentions to set for 2022, based on the numerology of the coming year.

As we visualize what we wish to manifest over the next twelve months, it’s important to also reflect on the past – to gather the last year’s wisdom and use it to inform the path we wish to embark upon. For many, 2021 was a year of liberation. For those of us fortunate enough to live in places where vaccines are widely accessible, we saw the outside world open up again and reveal an entirely new realm of possibilities – a feeling we hadn’t experienced in a long time. In numerology, 2021 is a 5 year (2 + 0 + 2 + 1 = 5).

5 is the number of freedom, emancipation, and progress. Though necessary, this liberation isn’t always comfortable; it often asks us to release things we’ve been holding onto that bring us a sense of safety but ultimately don’t serve our highest good.

Take some time to think: What did you gain in 2021 – and, more importantly, what did you lose? And what possible realities did those “losses” create space for? As we enter 2022, we move into a 6 year (2 + 0 + 2 + 2 = 6) and can utilize the freedom we found in 2021 to build something more stable. While 5 breaks the chains that hold us back and propels us into new adventures, 6 asks us to get more comfortable and find steady ground.

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6 is the number of home, family, and community and brings the energies of harmony, love, and compassion. It’s associated with The Lovers card from the tarot, the card of meaningful and conscious soul connections – the union of the self with another.

During a 6 year, our goals ascend beyond the personal and into the heart of the collective. It’s here that we learn to exist in harmony with others and recognize that what’s good for the world around us is ultimately good for us, too. To best harness this energy, here’s what to focus on in 2022.

6 Intentions to Set for 2022

1. Deepen your connections – with yourself, others, and nature

Every day, we wake up and interact with the world – but are you truly connecting with it? Too often, we live our lives on auto-pilot, going through the motions while staying trapped within our own thoughts and feelings. In 2022, set the intention to look beyond your subjective experience and be more conscious of the energies around you. Connect more deeply with yourself through journaling, meditation, and your spiritual practice. Deepen your bond with others by practicing better listening skills, extending compassion, and seeking more honesty and closeness in every interaction. Spend time with Mother Nature and observe how her well-being is deeply intertwined with yours. This year, make it a goal to find more meaning in each and every one of your relationships.

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2. Seek the beauty in everything

The number 6 is associated with Venus – the planet of love, pleasure, art, and beauty. In 2022, open your eyes to the moments of beauty interlaced throughout daily life, like the sunlight streaming through your window in the morning, the flowers that line the street of your daily commute, or the sound of birds echoing from the trees. No matter where you are, there’s beauty to be found, and it’s up to you to …

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in SageGoddess.com. All the rights of content are owned by SageGoddess.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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