Answered: What Is a LIGHTWORKER? And Are YOU One?

The term “lightworker” was first used about 40 years ago by a man named Michael Mirdad. It wasn’t used much again until Doreen Virtue wrote a book called The Lightworker’s Way. 

In today’s world, more and more people are waking up to the fact that they are a lightworker and that they incarnated on Earth to help spread love and teach humanity divine lessons of the universe.

What is a lightworker? A lightworker is someone with an innate ability to help others. It is typically someone who is also empathetic and sensitive to energy.

Knowing what kind of lightworker you are can be tricky, and it’s possible you are more than one type.

That said, the more work you do on yourself first directly correlates to your lightworking abilities on Earth.

If you are unsure whether or not you are a lightworker, continue reading below to learn the common signs of a lightworker. 

What Is a Lightworker and How Many Types Are There?

There are many names for a lightworker: 

  • Indigo child
  • Crystal baby
  • Earth Angel
  • Starseed 

Whatever name you prefer, you have a divine purpose of serving humanity. As a lightworker, you were given the opportunity to incarnate on the Earthly plane as a divine-human.

You have the ability to make incredible changes in the world. If you feel an immense pull to help others or to share your wisdom with those around you, you could be a lightworker

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Lightworkers are said to be blessed by Source to feel great compassion and empathy towards others.

This allows them to do their work properly. It is also said, anyone has the opportunity to access this divine power.

Some people are born with an inner knowing that they can access this power, while others have a “spiritual awakening” later in life that gains them access to such power. 

These two different types are known as Newly Awakened Lightworkers vs. Retro Lightworkers.

One is not dominant over the other, but without Retro Lightworkers, Newly Awakened Lightworkers essentially wouldn’t exist.

There at least, wouldn’t be as many Newly Awakened Lightworkers today. 

It seems as though it could have something to do with generations as a whole.

Many Retro Lightworkers of today’s world are Millennials, or at least there seems to be a large number of Millennials that are here to serve humanity, and they are helping with the great energetic shift that is happening in the world right now.

More and more people are becoming Newly Awakened Lightworkers and using their power to help change the world for the better. 

As you harness your power and step into your light, you can begin to identify with where your power lies in the sense that you’ll start to notice the easiest ways for you to share your light with the world. 

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At the end of the day, that’s all light working is. It is someone that is born with an inner knowing or someone that goes through the shadow work to gain access to their inner light.

This light is what fuels them. It is their strongest passion in life.

When you learn to harness this passion and use it for the greater good of humanity, you are essentially practicing light working.

The Many Types of Lightworkers

Just like anything else in life, some people are better in one area, while others succeed in a different area. We all have our strengths and weaknesses.

Some people also work on a collective scale by helping humanity as a whole, while others work best in individual settings with one or a few people at a time.

Below are the common types of lightworkers walking the Earth today: 

The Transmuters

Another name for The Transmuters is The Neutralizers. They are particularly good at dispelling bad energy.

Doing so then restores and neutralizes the energy, which in turn brings balance to the environment or person in question. 

The Travelers/Dreamers

This type of lightworker does his or her best work through dreamscapes.

If you are particularly good at lucid dreaming and astral projection, you can use your lightwork energy to manifest things into the physical plane via your dreams. 

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The Ascension Guides

The Ascension Guide Lightworkers are more of the visionaries. They work on the higher plane to create new possibilities and broaden the horizons for the future of mankind.

You likely are in fluid communication with the Ascended Masters if you are this type of lightworker. 

The Messengers

Those that have the inner power to spread crucial messages across the world with a captivating and relatable flair are known as The Messengers.

People love to listen to or read the words of The Messengers because they possess a likable and knowledgeable trait that humanity can respect and connect with.

These types of people are blessed with practicing their lightwork as motivational speakers, writers and bloggers,…


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