why am i so unlucky with money? 9 things to NEVER keep in your home’s feng shui prosperity corner!

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why am i so unlucky with money? 9 things to NEVER keep in your home’s feng shui prosperity corner!

Why am I so unlucky with money?

Do you find yourself saying that a lot?

Do you feel like no matter what you do, you just can’t get ahead?

Do you feel like there’s just not enough money coming in, or that it goes out as fast as it comes in? 

Have you noticed you’ve had a string of bad luck with money recently?

While in western feng shui, we believe you create your own luck – part of creating that luck is creating a home that’s full of good energy — especially in your home’s feng shui prosperity corner!

In feng shui, there are things that carry lucky energy and things that carry unlucky energy. 

If you’re feeling like you’re unlucky with money, there are unlucky things you’ll want to move out of your home’s wealth corner in order to create a more welcoming money environment.

This will help remove the negative energy and replace it with more positive money energy!

feng shui prosperity corner - 9 things to never keep in your home's feng shui prosperity corner

Before we get started with the list of unlucky money items, let’s first get to know your home’s feng shui prosperity corner.

According to the bagua, your home is divided into 9 areas that correspond with the different areas of your life. 

The feng shui prosperity area is the far back left corner of your home, when you’re standing at your front door, looking inside.  (Click here to learn more about the feng shui bagua map and how to use it in your home.) 

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Once you know where your home’s feng shui prosperity corner is, you can now make sure the following items are stored somewhere else.

Here are 9 items you shouldn’t keep in your feng shui prosperity corner if you want to create better luck with money!

One: Trash cans!

Most of us don’t even think about where we place our trash cans – right?

If you happen to keep your trash cans in your money area, that could create bad luck! 

In feng shui, trash represents negative energy – it carries the energy of old, used items that need to be taken out of the house. 

Plus a lot of times it’s overflowing, smells bad, and is messy and annoying. 

You definitely don’t want to keep that energy in any area of your home — but if you’ve had bad luck with money, you don’t want it in your wealth area!

feather dishes with crystals and jewelry, (feng shui unlucky with money)
hanging candle holder and couch - activating feng shui prosperity corner


Clutter represents decisions that we haven’t made, things we don’t know what to do with, and stuck energy. 

Think about how you feel when you open that closet that’s full of things you know you need to go through.  It doesn’t feel great, right? 

Clutter holds that energy – that’s part of the reason it can be so difficult to deal with!

It’s also why someone else can come in and make decisions quickly – they don’t carry that emotional attachment to the items that you do. 

If you have a lot of clutter in your home’s wealth area, it can definitely affect the energy in that space. 

Take some time and clear it all out – and everything counts!

Even clutter in cabinets and closets — it has to go if you want to clear out that unlucky money energy and make room for new money!

couch, side table, hanging plants

Three: Financial paperwork that represents debt or old financial patterns you want to change. 

Do you keep your old receipts, old bank statements, credit card statements, other debt statements, or bill statements in your money area? 

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The money area of my home contains a small office area and I realized when I first started working with feng shui that keeping the old financial statements in this area just adds to that old money history! 

The first thing I did was move that paperwork to a different area of my home. 

When you’re working to change your money story, keeping that old stuff around, recreating that energy any time you look at it isn’t a great idea.

Some ideas for storing that paperwork: create digital copies and shred the originals (if possible.)

Make sure you throw out old statements and receipts once they are past the IRS recommendation date.

And get rid of old bills once you’ve paid them! 

tea kettle and copper cups - feng shui changing bad money luck

If you do want to keep your current bills in your money area, I recommend doing a money ritual that represents those bills being paid. 

Write your intention statement and keep it on top of the bills you’re working on paying right now. 

Let the Universe know that you want that money to come in quickly and easily. …

Click here to read this complete article.

Disclaimer : This article is originally published in peacelovefengshui.com. All the rights of content are owned by peacelovefengshui.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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