Met A FALSE Twin Flame? These 11 Signs Reveal If You Have

Did you think that you had met your twin flame, however, something started to feel off?

Perhaps you are beginning to feel as if you don’t really know them?

Are they constantly letting you down and not giving you the support that you need?

They might be your false twin flame. 

Yes, unfortunately, there is such a thing as a false twin flame, and it is actually much more common than you would think! 

But thankfully, I have created this in-depth guide to false twin flames and what signs to look for if you think you have met a false twin flame.

We will also look at what you need to do if you have met your false twin flame!

What Are False Twin Flames?

What Are False Twin Flames?

Twin flames are your soul’s other half. You are destined to meet and reconnect with them, and the relationship is deeply spiritual. 

There is also someone that might be your false twin flame. This is someone with who you share a connection, however, it is mainly superficial.

You may believe that they are your twin flame at first

They will seem to be a mirror of you and share many of your desires and beliefs.

Your false twin flame and your real twin flame will share a lot of similarities!

They will often appear in your life at an important point and overload you with love and affection. 

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This can be really fun at first, and you might feel as if you have met your twin flame!

However, soon the cracks will appear and you will start to doubt your belief. 

Your false twin flame is normally someone that you get on with really well. You share jokes and enjoy your time together.

However, nothing ever seems to come from the relationship. You seem to be stuck in rut, not going anywhere.

This is because they are not really your twin flame. 

Are False Twin Flames Bad?

A lot of people hold the belief that false twin flames are bad all around.

However, this is not the case.

Of course, sometimes a person’s false twin flame is bad and does not treat them well.

However, a lot of the time the pain caused by having a false twin flame is rather a confusion that the relationship causes, and a feeling of unfulfillment. 

There will be sadness that comes with the false twin flame relationship, yet it is not always a bad relationship and it does happen for a reason. 

The relationship can be fun and exciting, and you can definitely share a lot of great experiences with your twin flame, and even when the relationship ends you can look back on the times you had with them and be happy about it. 

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A false twin flame also helps you learn about yourself and what you really need. Every relationship teaches you something and your false twin flame will awaken you. It will help you understand what your true twin flame will be like when you meet them. 

Your false twin flame is not wanting to hurt you, they might be as confused as you are!

They are just another person, trying to find love in this world.

Now let’s get into the signs you are with a false twin flame.

Listen while you read: Here’s a video we did highlighting the signs of a twin flame:

11 Signs You’ve Met A False Twin Flame

Everybody experiences false twin flames differently, but there are some signs that suggest that you have met your false twin flame.

Read on to discover if this is happening to you!

1. Past Issues Arising 

False Twin Flames Past Issues Arising

When you are in a relationship with your false twin flame, there seems to not be a change between this relationship and the ones that you have had before.

A real true flame is one of new beginnings, feelings, and challenges. 

If you are having similar issues to ones in your past with this person, they are probably your false twin flame.

If you feel that you are not growing together, they are not your true twin flame. 

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2. They Bring About Anxiety

When you meet your twin flame, your soul is reuniting with its other half. This fills you with feelings of security, warmth, contentment, and wholeness.

It is like a switch being flicked on within, and everything starts to make sense. 

Of course, there is stress and uncertainty in your twin flame relationship, but deep down, you know that the partnership brings you warmth and contentment. 

If the relationship gives you more anxiety than wholeness, they may be your false twin flame. 

You may feel on edge around them, and not totally calm.

This is because they are not your other half! 

3. You Have Uncertainty

When you meet your twin flame, you normally just know. There will be such a deep connection that shakes you to your very core.

You will feel calm and at peace, and know within yourself that this person is your twin flame. 

If you are uncertain and have doubt about the person that you are in a relationship with, this is your soul warning you….

Click here to read this complete article.

Disclaimer : This article is originally published in All the rights of content are owned by We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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