Soulmate Married To Someone Else? These 15 Tips Will Help

You’re not alone in the situation of having a soulmate who is taken. 

It’s very common to have a soulmate when they are in a relationship with someone else. 

This usually happens subconsciously, without much control over your feelings. 

While it can be painful to have a married soulmate when you want them for yourself, there are ways of coping that don’t involve losing your humanity or sabotaging their marriage entirely. 

Here’s what to do when your soulmate is married to someone else. 

What To Do When Your Soulmate Is Married To Someone Else?

1. Stay positive

While it may be difficult to remain positive during this time, it’s important to remember that you have a lot of power in this situation. 

You can choose how you feel and act. 

This might be the most challenging thing for many people when they find out that their soulmate is married to someone else because it feels like an ultimate betrayal. 

However, if you want to make yourself happy and avoid becoming bitter yourself, then the best thing that you can do is support them as much as possible until such time comes when they are ready (if that day does come).

2. Get a gifted advisor confirmation

Soulmate married to someone else

A gifted advisor confirmation is a great way to get some answers. 

They will be able to tell you whether your soulmate is really committed, or if there are any red flags in their marriage. 

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If they are truly committed and happy with their current marriage, then it’s time for you to move on with your life and find someone else who can give you what you need.

But if there is any doubt about whether or not your soulmate is committed, it’s important that you take action right away!

This could mean many things depending on the situation. 

For example, maybe your soulmate was cheated on by his wife last year — this would be a clear sign that something isn’t working out between them. 

3. Do some research

You need to do some research. Talk to your soulmate’s friends and family. 

Find out how long they have been together and what their relationship is like. 

If your soulmate is married, ask them if they are happy in their marriage or if they are miserable and have been looking for an escape route for years.

If they seem unhappy, then there may be an opportunity for you!

Talk to your soulmate’s partner as well and get an idea of what kind of person they are by talking about their goals, dreams, and aspirations in life. 

Do they want children? Are there any specific things that will make them happy (e.g., traveling around the world)? 

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What do they love doing on weekends?

Your next step should be speaking with your potential new partner’s partner. 

This will give valuable insight into how good of a match this person could potentially be for you both from both sides of the table!

4. Be respectful

You should be respectful of the other person’s situation. 

Your soulmate has a marriage, and that is to be respected. 

They are married, and you cannot expect them to leave their family behind just so they can be with you. 

You must honor their choice, and even though it may feel like you’ll never recover from this loss, being respectful means recognizing your role in the game of love.

Be respectful of the marriage and partnership between two people who have chosen each other over time, shared experiences together, or even raised children together—and yet still found happiness within themselves as individuals outside of marriage (if they cared about themselves enough).

This isn’t just about respect for their relationship; it’s also about respect for yourself!

5. Be kind and supportive

Hands together

You want to be the best person you can be for your soulmate. 

You must also be kind and supportive of the other person, as well as their family, friends, and co-workers.

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You must never criticize or judge them. You must never complain about them to others.

Instead, talk about how great they are!

If your soulmate has problems with their partner or spouse, don’t get involved in any arguments between them. 

Just stay out of it completely!

6. Don’t feel guilty

Don’t feel guilty. You’re not doing anything wrong by wanting to be with your soulmate, twin flame, or other half. 

It’s not wrong to want someone – it’s human nature.

It’s okay to desire a relationship with someone else—even if they are married.

Your soulmate isn’t going to suddenly wither away because you’ve been thinking about them too much. 

The Universe will recognize the connection between two people who are meant for each other and it will bring them together when the time is right.

7. Focus on yourself

While it may be tempting to focus on the life of your soulmate, especially if they are happily married and you’re still single, it’s important that you don’t do…

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