How to shift out of fear into a state of calm — Follow Your Own Rhythm

Fear is a pretty powerful force that will take over our mind if left unchecked. I’m not talking about healthy fear that kicks in when you’re in real danger, I’m talking about irrational fear that’s made up in our minds and causes us unnecessary stress, anxiety and worry.

If you are reading this in current time, you know that we are experiencing a world wide pandemic ie the Coronavirus, which in turn has triggered a lot of our fears.

We’ve become scared for our lives, our health, our safety, our loved ones, our future, and the future of the world. We worry about our jobs, how we’re going to pay our bills, and what to do with all of our free time.

This is all so new to us so we don’t know how to navigate this unknown territory, and naturally we resort to fear and worry because everything seems so uncertain.

Of course it’s normal to feel fear, but you don’t want to stay in that state for too long. You don’t want to live in this constant state of anxiety.

Wouldn’t it be much nicer if you can be calm during this time? Or during ANY time that you’re feeling scared!?!

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Well you can! Lucky for us humans, we can control our minds, which is where fear lives.

In this video, I show you how to do that and share some helpful tips and guidance on how to find more peace and calm during times of fear and worry.

Hope you enjoy and please like, share and leave a comment if you enjoyed it!

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in All the rights of content are owned by We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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