How to Manifest Your Dream House (In 5 Easy Steps) | Aglow Lifestyle

If you have been looking for a way to manifest your perfect home, this is the article for you!

The law of attraction is a very powerful tool, and it can be an extremely beneficial experience.

In the following article, you will learn how to manifest a house in 5 easy steps.

How to manifest your dream house

Manifestation takes some work; it’s not something that automatically happens once you decide what you want. It involves a lot of concentrated thought and energy, but in the end, the hard work is worth it!

Manifesting a house can be very rewarding if you are willing to put in the time.

However, first, you must learn how to do it properly.

Below, you will find 5 steps that can help you manifest your dream home.

Step 1: Know what kind of house you want

It’s important to know what kind of house you want before starting the manifestation process.

Start by writing a list of things that your ideal house would have in a journal or notebook. 

Think about the:

  • Size
  • Colour
  • Location
  • Number of bedrooms
  • Style

These are just some of the things that you might want to include in your list.

This step is important because for manifestation to work, you have to be specific.

Don’t just say, “I want a new house,” because if that is the case, you will get a new house (and probably not one of your choosing). Instead, focus on what you want.

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If you don’t know what you want, then how can it be provided to you? 

Step 2: Visualize being in your dream home

Once you have figured out what you want and created a list of the things that your “ideal home” would have, it’s time to start visualizing.

Close your eyes and take deep breaths as you imagine that you are currently in your dream home.

Imagine what it looks like, smells, and how you feel when you walk through the doors.

It is essential to be specific with this step; imagine as much detail as possible.

Picture yourself waking up every morning feeling relaxed and happy in a beautiful house that you manifested.

If you can do this, then you are well on your way to achieving your dreams.

Put as much emotion into this step as possible.

If you are not feeling a sense of passion about it, then the universe will not pick up on your intention.

Step 3: Let go of any negative self beliefs

Sometimes when we are trying to manifest something that we really want, we might find ourselves sabotaging our efforts.

This is because, deep down, we don’t believe that we can have it.

We sometimes see our desires as being too good to be true or simply unattainable, and we might feel guilty for even trying.

It is important to release any negative thoughts that you are having about yourself before moving on to the next step in the manifesting process.

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You can let go of any negative self-doubt by using positive affirmations to shift your mindset and change how you are thinking about manifesting your dream home.

For manifestation to work, you have to fully believe that you deserve to have what you are trying to manifest. If you believe, you will achieve!

Step 4: Use positive affirmations

Tying into step 3, you may want to use positive affirmations as a way of helping you through the process.

Affirmations are short statements that we repeat until they become a part of our belief system.

They have been proven to be very effective for helping people manifest things like improved health or better relationships in their lives.

You can use affirmations like:

  • My dream house is coming to me now.
  • I deserve a house that I love.
  • I am worthy of manifesting a dream home.
  • The universe is providing me with a beautiful dream home.

Choose a few affirmations that resonate with you and repeat them

Positive self-talk can add more confidence and motivation to your efforts, allowing you to get what you want quicker.

Step 5: Surrender to the universe

The final step in the process of manifesting a dream home is to surrender.

At this point, you should have created a complete list of what your dream home looks like and how it makes you feel, along with some affirmations that you can use to help yourself get there.

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Now comes the fun part, where you need to let go.

Do not try to figure out exactly how it will happen or when it will happen; relax and allow events to unfold naturally.

After completing the steps above, manifesting your dream house is out of your control and is down to the universe. As long as you do the work – and have faith in the process – you will get what you want!

The universe has heard your intention; now, all you have to do is be patient as it brings your desire into reality.


Do I have to keep visualizing my dream home?

No. Once you have put enough work into manifesting your desire, you can stop visualizing it and just know that it will come to you.

What if my dream home is not coming?

Many people who try the manifestation technique above find that their dreams do not immediately become a reality.

Don’t be disheartened!

Manifestation takes time, sometimes even years, in some…

Click here to read this complete article.

Disclaimer : This article is originally published in All the rights of content are owned by We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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