Mercury in Scorpio | Astrology Answers

If you’ve been craving depth and intensity in your interactions, it’s time for you to celebrate because Mercury is moving into Scorpio on October 29th, 2022 – a sign of intensity and emotional depth. Mercury is the planet of communication, technology, and intellect. When it moves into Scorpio, there is a velvety-smooth insight that naturally flows in our interactions with others.

Maybe you’ve been seeking truth or wondering how to connect with your life’s purpose, and this transit actually makes it easier for you to find your path and walk in the right direction.

While Scorpio does have a darker side, you can combat this energy by focusing on the positive and working with your manifestation skills during this time. Let your soul lead you on an intuitive path, connecting yourself to the souls of others. Setting your intentions to be heartfelt and pure in your interactions will make sure that this Mercury in Scorpio transit brings you closer than ever to your loved ones.

Today, we’re going to share some tweaks, tips, and tricks for you to make the most of this energy, allowing you to harness the energy of this transit and make it work for you. We will also discuss the pitfalls to avoid to make sure that you’re mentally prepared for this otherwise difficult transit.

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So, if you want to grow closer than ever to your friends, family, and romantic partner, keep reading to find out how to get the most from this Mercury Scorpio transit!

Keep track of the planets and stars with the 2022 astrology calendar!

About Mercury in Scorpio

Mercury is a planet that encourages education and mental work, helping you open your mind and share your thoughts and ideas with the world. Mercury gives you the confidence and the courage to speak your mind, no matter who’s listening.

Coupled with this communicative energy in Scorpio, an intense planet ruled by Pluto, the planet of secrets and power struggles. Pluto encourages you to explore your dark side, to connect to your inner world of mystery. Scorpio energy can reveal hidden tension or emotions that you have not previously been ready or willing to explore.

You may experience a transformation of energy as Scorpio helps you confront and deal with older emotional wounds that need your attention to heal.

Scorpio is the most curious sign of the zodiac, especially when it comes to things hidden beneath the surface. Scorpio is not a sign that is content with exploring surface-level emotions, as it desires a deep dive into the psyche. Further, Mercury is a curious planet that seeks truth and information in all situations.

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When these two planets come together, expect your detective hat to form a snug fit on your curious mind. While this transit may also bring feelings of confrontation or a desire to explore hidden emotions, you can trust that this exploration will benefit you and your relationships.

Who Will Feel this Transit the Most?

Everyone will feel this energy. However, it may show up in different areas of our lives, depending on where Mercury and Scorpio fall in your chart. Regardless of your sign, you can expect to feel the effects of Mercury’s journey through the mystery-loving Scorpio.

Those people with a Mercury placement in Scorpio – or another Water sign, like Cancer or Pisces – will embrace this energy more willingly than others because our communication takes on an emotional, deep tone during this transit.

Find out: Do You Have Scorpio in Your Birth Chart?

What if Mercury Goes Retrograde in Scorpio?

While Mercury is not going retrograde in Scorpio this October, it’s always good to have an understanding of what this specific transit means as well. 

Are you familiar with the concept of your shadow? Have you ever felt that you weren’t quite alone, even when you were the only person in the room? That’s because our shadow often has a mind of its own, and it encourages us to explore those emotions and feelings that may seem too grizzly to confront otherwise.

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Scorpio is shadow energy in celestial form, and you may feel closer than ever to those unexplored emotions when Mercury is retrograde in Scorpio.

Sometimes we aren’t able to process the feelings that accompany a difficult moment in our lives – and when this happens, our shadow sides take up the slack for us. However, every once in a while, you will still need to face these compiled emotions before the house of cards comes tumbling down all around you.

Utilizing the explorational energy of Mercury retrograde in Scorpio will help you avoid becoming overwhelmed by these experiences or pent-up emotions. In fact, this specific cosmic event may help you dismantle this shadow energy, allowing you to emerge with a fresh, lighthearted feeling.

Mercury retrograde is always a good time for reflection, reorganization, rejuvenation, and the revisiting of certain emotions. It can be hard to see past the emotional situations and circumstances that might be holding us back – but a Mercury retrograde…

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