Oracle Card Reading May 08 – 14, 2022

Enjoy this week’s cards revealed:

1. Vessel

Your belief system dictates what to do and who to be on a daily basis. When you interact from this level of awareness, you’re closed to the unlimited possibilities of the universe. Become aware of, yet detached from, your needs and emotions. Use your time and energy to continuously create more space, rather than filling yourself and your life up with lots of things, feelings, experiences. Less is more for the soul.

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2. Source

As you move forward in life do you feel yourself getting closer to your Divine Source or turning further away from it? This card is infusing your life with the profoundness of the Spirit – you need to get closer to your true essence and Divine Source. Turn inwards and dive deeply into your being because the Source of all light and life is within you. Use Reiki to open, heal, and balance your Heart Chakra. Radiate and expand your Divine essence through it. How does it feel?

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3. Innocence

Are you ready to re-awaken your joyful and innocent younger self? This week, focus on doing inner child work using Reiki. This is where true healing happens! As an example, you can connect with your inner child using the distance symbol and send Reiki for deep healing, helping this vital part of you to feel safe, protected, loved, appreciated, accepted, heard, and seen.

See also  Angel Number 325 Meaning: Positive Change Ahead | Aglow Lifestyle

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Reiki blessings!

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