Signs Your Manifestation is Coming [Have You Seen Them?]

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Whether you’re new to manifestation or you’re a pro, you can still find yourself wondering whether or not your manifestation is coming.

Sometimes it can seem like nothing is happening and what you want is never going to come.

That’s where signs from the Universe can really help!

Let’s go through the most common signs your manifestation is coming.

signs your manifestation is coming - woman reading tarot cards

11 Signs Your Manifestation Is Coming

You start to see it everywhere.

You know that law of attraction example that everyone uses of when you’re thinking of buying a red car, you see red cars everywhere?

Everyone uses it because it’s true.

In fact, it’s usually the first sign that your manifestation is working: you start to see what you want EVERYWHERE.

The reason this is the number one sign is because that’s how the law of attraction works.

Once you’ve decided what you want, you start attracting it.

You think about it all the time.

You see it everywhere.

Other people start talking to you about it.

This is an example of the 17-second manifestation principle in action.

The law of attraction has kicked in.

You are magnetizing what you want into your reality!

You see angel numbers.

Angel numbers are a way the Universe, spirit guides, and angels show you that things are lining up.

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They are a series of repeating numbers that you see over and over throughout your day.

Depending on what numbers you’re seeing, the Universe could be sending you a message — or you could just see your favorite or lucky number all the time!

The key to angel numbers is that you know they mean something to you.

The most common ones are a series like 1111, 2222, or 3333 (etc) or you see a repeating pattern that is specific to you.

Let’s say your favorite number is 14.

You might see 14s everywhere!

This is basically receiving a wink from the Universe telling you that everything is lining up in your favor.

woman holding palo santo sticks

You see other signs.

You can actually ask the Universe for a specific sign that your manifestation is coming.

Pick something that you wouldn’t normally see in everyday life, like a certain color butterfly or feather, or something that has deep meaning for you.

The Universe is listening and you’ll start to see it everywhere!

Not only does that mean your manifestation is close, but it is also an example that the Universe is listening to you.

The Universe is always sending you signs, but sometimes you don’t notice them.

Asking for something specific tells the Universe that you are watching and in sync with what it is showing you!

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Asking for a sign that your manifestation is coming is one of the easiest ways to tell for sure that the LOA is working!

Synchronicity or coincidence.

Another thing that starts to happen when your manifestations are coming is that synchronicity or coincidences start happening that you can’t really explain.

You find yourself in the right place at the right time to hear someone talking about what you want.

You are thinking of someone who can help you and they text you.

You are thinking of a song and it starts playing.

You are thinking of a certain movie and it pops up randomly in a post while you’re scrolling your phone.

All of these things are synchronistic events that mean the Universe is lining things up for you!

woman meditating in front of tarot cards

You feel like it’s coming.

When you’re in alignment with your desires, you might suddenly get the feeling that it’s coming or happening even when you don’t have “evidence.”

In fact, everything on the outside might look like it can’t be further away, but inside you still know!

That inner knowing is a great sign that what you want is on its way to you.

You just know somehow. That is not you being delusional – you really do know!

So ignore everything or everyone telling you that you’re wrong. You’re not. You know best!

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Sometimes your inner knowing will also prompt you to take a step out of your comfort zone that makes NO sense to you.

You just know that it’s something you have to do.

Trust yourself! Your inner being knows what the next logical step is towards what you want, even if it doesn’t really look like a logical step!

Maybe you have a feeling that you need to call someone.

Or maybe you are meditating and you suddenly know that you need to go get coffee.

That coffee could lead to meeting someone who will help you get what you want.

Don’t ignore your inner knowing. Take the inspired action.

The more you trust yourself and your inner knowing, the faster and easier you’ll manifest the things you want.

woman meditating

Chaos starts happening.

This is the “it’s always darkest before the dawn” phenomenon.

Things start happening that look like the exact opposite of what you want.

Your basement floods. You break your phone. You get a flat tire. You cut your…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in All the rights of content are owned by We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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