How do you view your life from a center of mastery?

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One of the most challenging aspects of the Law of Attraction is overcoming dysfunctional habits and limiting beliefs.

But even harder is not getting caught up in the swirl of emotions created by these patterns of resistance.

As you know, it’s vital that you remain conscious of your emotions as they are your guide – letting you know what signal you are sending out to the Universe, showing you when resistance and limiting beliefs are popping up, and assisting you in knowing exactly what you are manifesting.

But even more important than your emotions is your heart energy. Your heart energy is your true creative power. You can’t get through to it if you are stuck in negativity.

It doesn’t matter if the negativity is negative thoughts or lower level emotions, like fear, worry, and anger.

When you are separated from heart energy, you can separate yourself from the life of blessings and joy you so richly deserve. Instead of operating from a place of mastery over your life, life happens to you.

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The key is to begin stopping all negativity, allowing you to more easily shift to heart energy.

You have spent your life living from your mind. But you are neither ruled nor led by your mind.

Start by noticing when you are feeling out of control. Realize that this is a distortion. You can take back control.

When you experience being out of control, it is your mind separating you from love, separating you from heart energy.

You can take charge. You can adopt the affirmation “I am taking charge” as a mantra to assist you.

Allow yourself to move out of the repetitive drama of the past. Stop reacting to life and choose to respond with awareness, from a place of mastery.

Tap into your heart energy, and know that there is no right or wrong. Move beyond struggle to the highest vibration of love you can reach. This is your center of mastery.

See life’s challenges as opportunities to propel yourself forward, moving you ever closer to manifesting all your desires.

As you view life from your heart center, remember that you aren’t responsible for how others act or react. You are only responsible for yourself.

The more you align with heart energy, the more you will find yourself centered and able to react to life in a manner of your choosing. The limiting beliefs, old habits and resistance will begin to shift.

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When you are fully present in your heart, it’s easy to release and stop engaging in past triggers.

You become love in action…in full mastery of the Law of Attraction.

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