What Chakra is Blue & Why? Understanding Throat Chakra Color

INSIDE: Open communication allows us to grow as individuals because we can listen to the wisdom of others and share our own insights. By examining what chakra is blue, we can tap into our creative expression and appreciate the knowledge and insights we gain from what we hear around us.


Between the great ball of fire that hangs over our planet – i.e., the Sun – and our eyes, many messages must pass from there to here in order for us to process the amazing colors of nature. For example, we see the sky as blue for three reasons:

  1. The spectrum of different wavelengths of sunlight
  2. Rayleigh scattering (the way sunlight hits molecules in the air and scatters)
  3. The way rods and cones in our eyes respond to different light wavelengths

In all these steps, communication from one being to another helps move information and understanding so that we have the chance to experience the peaceful radiance of a blue sky. This perfectly aligns with how we can understand what chakra is blue.

Communication enables clarity, understanding, connection, and intelligence. The blue chakra encourages us to explore not just how we interact and tell our stories to others but also what we say to ourselves. It encourages creative expression inspired from our earthly existence to communicate our higher calling in the world.

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Chakra Stones

What Chakra is Blue?

When we want to work on communicating our faith and our needs and stay receptive to the sound guidance and loving language of others, we can look to our throat chakra for healing and balance.

The Throat Chakra Color

The color blue generates a frequency that both soothes and energizes the throat chakra. Along our chakral spine, the node for the throat rests in the region of our collar bones, sitting in the bowl-like space formed where they meet. Throat chakra energy resonates through the neck and jaw because it is our innately human ability to interact through language.

However, the throat chakra ignites more than the way we speak our truth. It allows us to access creative modes of expression through our bodies to further communicate how we feel and what we believe to others.

While the sacral chakra taps into a primal, sexual creativity in our bodies, the throat chakra, which we now know as the answer to “what chakra is blue?”, combines our unique manner of expression with mindful, conscious understanding.

This way, what we say can truly reflect our heart’s convictions and can be shared with compassion and intelligent understanding.

Speaking to the Heart & the Third Eye

There’s a reason that the throat chakra lies between the heart chakra and the third eye. That’s because we need the love and empathy honed from our heart chakra in order to openly listen to others and the logic and intellect informed by our spiritual vision through our third eye. 

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As we’ve talked about with other chakra colors, just because the answer to “what chakra is blue?” corresponds to the throat doesn’t meant that this soothing color can’t provide healing to other nodes. Every color gives a spectrum of hues that transition into other colors, and blue flows through cyan to the heart’s green and through darker shades that approach the third eye’s indigo.

So, blue sharpen our communication to convey measured, well-spoken meaning. We can disagree or criticize something that does not mesh with our truth from a healthy throat chakra that presents our thoughts compassionately and gently.

Blue healing also enables us to accept the criticism, knowledge, and feedback offered to us by loving guides and partners because we value the growth their information can give us.

throat chakra color blue chakra meaning

Throat Chakra Color Meaning

If the color blue corresponds with the throat chakra, let’s look at the ways that we can recognize optimum wellbeing of this chakra on the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels. We can also learn how blue healing restores our throat chakra to balance. 

Physical Signs for the Throat Chakra

Related to the throat region, this chakra includes the esophagus, jaw, neck, and mouth. Through the most basic signs, a strong throat chakra on the physical plane is represented by an upheld head supported by a long, strong neck that feels supple and stable. It comes through a steady voice, no matter what pitch, that does not waver but carries a calm, yet commanding, pleasant sound. 

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A bit deeper inside, our mouth harbors good oral hygiene and breath on the way to the inner core of the throat. We find a healthy thyroid and hormone balance when our throat chakra feels balanced.

Perhaps we can take it as a funny sign for what chakra is blue that the aisle of mouthwash at a local pharmacy, grocer, or superstore contains large bottles filled with a liquid somewhere along the spectrum of blue, if not in its deepest shade.

What does mouthwash remedy? Bad breath and dental and gum issues, a not at all funny sign that we need to tend to our throat chakra.

Other symptoms of an issue include a hunched neck that hangs the…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in CosmicCuts.com. All the rights of content are owned by CosmicCuts.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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