What is Conscious Creation? And How to Control Your Reality

Whether we realise it or not, we all have an element of control over our own lives and the paths we take.

This means that if we want to achieve a certain goal, manifest a person or become the person we want to be, then we can

All we need to do is consciously create this for ourselves.

What might seem unachievable now can quickly fall into place when you begin to learn the process of conscious creation and apply it in your own life.

And once you begin to see results, you’ll realise that your potential is infinite!

What is conscious creation?

Conscious creation is the process of choosing what you want from life, and taking the steps you need to bring this into reality.

At the most basic level, this is being a goal getter.

This means that when you have a goal in mind, you consciously make decisions every single day to bring you closer to that goal until you achieve it.

And by doing this time after time with multiple goals, you can consciously create a life that you desire.

goal tracking exercise

But at a more complex level, this is exactly what the Law of Attraction is, when we are consciously using it to our advantage.

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Unsure of what the Law of Attraction is?

Well, put simply, it is one of the laws of the Universe which states that like energy attracts like energy.

It is the law that states that your energy creates your reality.

What you put out, you get back.

What you give, you receive.

So on and so forth (if you want a more in-depth explanation of the Law of Attraction, go and check out this post, or better yet the Law of Attraction eWorkbook).

Now, this law is ALWAYS in action, but whether it is a conscious or unconscious process is entirely up to us.

And it is when we make the shift from unconscious creation to conscious creation that the magick starts to happen.

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Are you creating consciously or unconsciously?

But how do you know if you’re creating consciously or unconsciously?

It’s quite simple really…

Ask yourself this question – do you feel like the things that happen in your life happen because you set out to make them happen, or do you feel like they happen by chance?

rolling dice

When you’re unconsciously creating, you’ll probably feel like…

  • Things are out of your control
  • Things happen to you, not because of you
  • Things never seem to go to plan
  • You are a victim of your circumstances
  • Your goals are unachievable
  • Luck is never on your side
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But when you’re consciously creating, you’re more likely to feel like…

  • Fate is in your hands
  • You have the ability to succeed, no matter the odds
  • You achieve your goals because you put the work in
  • You are the creator of your own destiny
  • Things that happen are a direct result of the actions you take

If you think you’re unconsciously creating, don’t panic!

Being an unconscious creator isn’t a personality trait – it’s a choice

Just think of all of the things you could achieve if you became a conscious creator instead.

What happens when you become a conscious…

Click here to read this complete article.

Disclaimer : This article is originally published in throughthephases.com. All the rights of content are owned by throughthephases.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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