Chakra Balancing Using Positive Affirmations

Our chakras are never perfectly aligned. If they were, we would be enlightened, we would sit in meditation most of the time, project ourselves astrally, beyond this realm. When one is perfectly aligned, he or she is a spiritual being, does not have earthly needs, is disconnected from human society as we know and experience.

But not being fully aligned all the time doesn’t mean anything bad. Every day, every minute, our chakras change their energy level, depending on our mental, physical and energetic state, depending on the people we interact with, the decisions we take and the events we go through, independently of ourselves. That is, every day the energy in our chakras increases, decreases, balances, just as a DNA sequence.

Just as every cell in our body has its own embedded code and its own memory, so each chakra has its own embedded code and its own memory, only that this information transcends over time, space and lives, so to achieve chakra balance, it is necessary not just to work with the present, but to heal the past as well.

While there are hundreds of chakras that mitigate energy flows throughout our body, in our daily practice we usually focus on the seven major chakras. There are many methods to balance the chakras, but today I want to focus on using positive affirmations to emotional balance the chakras.

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Our thoughts create our reality. What we think, what we believe shape our reality. According to the Universal Law of Attraction, we create our own reality, because positive thoughts bring positive results into a person’s life, while negative thoughts bring negative outcomes. Thoughts are a form of energy and positive energy attracts success, making it easier for things to flow and manifest in our life. From psychological point of view, positive affirmations focus our attention and emotions on positivity, so that we manifest more positivity in our own lives and see the positive outcomes (and acknowledge them better and easier). The positive affirmations rewrite the patterns in our subconscious minds and direct healing vibrations to the chakras associated with that particular vibration and mind space.

To sum up, when we open our chakras using positive affirmations, we open our mind to the positivity around us.

Chakra balancing using positive affirmations program

In order to heal and balance the chakras using positive affirmations, we can create our own daily ritual. For each chakra we can allocate 7 days. For each chakra:

  1. Choose ONLY ONE affirmation every day, the one that best suits your current need, from the affirmations provided below (or any other that you feel more connected to).
  2. Write the positive affirmation on a card, while reading it out loud.
  3. Put the chosen card with the affirmation at view sight, in the room where you spend the most time, so that you can see it as often as possible.
  4. Repeat the positive affirmation several times a day, in your mind or out loud.
  5. Wear at least one object in…
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