Psychologist Explains How Clothing Color Impacts Attractiveness

Physical attractiveness plays a role in finding a partner. It’s one of the best ways for someone to see if they are compatible with someone else. However, clothing color can impact levels of attraction.

Physical attractiveness is different for everyone based on their preference for a partner. Some people want a partner with a specific waist-to-hip ratio or overall body size and mass. Other people prioritize a particular size chest.

Not only are the body shape and size aspects of attractiveness, but clothing color is, too. The color of your clothing can affect how others view you physically. Color also influences psychological factors, including mood and decision making, including choosing a partner.

What Psychologists Say About How Clothing Color Impacts Attractiveness

Psychologists studied how eyes track when looking at another person. They used eye-tracking devices to see how women assess the attractiveness of other women.

The experts used avatars with different body sizes, skin tones, and wearing different colors. They also asked women to focus on judging avatars based on body size and attractiveness. The color choices used were black, gray, white, red, green, and blue.

The Results of the Study on Clothing and Attraction

The study results indicated that the expert’s original thoughts were correct. The colors black and red were rated higher for attractiveness and slim body size ratings.

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Gray and green clothing rated lowest, as they decreased attractiveness ratings and overestimated body size guesses. Additionally, avatars wearing black received more extended views on the upper body while those in white attracted views to the waist and hip regions.

This study showed that clothing color impacted attractiveness differently based on the subject’s skin tone. The way the color contrasted with skin tone made a big difference in the judging process. Avatars with darker tones were rated better in white, blue, and green than for paler complexions.

How The Chosen Colors Affect Attractiveness

Red enhances attraction because it is associated with desirability and sexual availability. Women wearing red are considered more attractive than if they wore a different color. They also prefer to wear red because it enhances sexual receptivity.

Black is a popular clothing color because it’s a fashionable option for every style. It also has a slimming effect on body images. The slimming effect is more pronounced on large body types, but it’s effective on everyone.

The low ratings of green and gray could occur for a few reasons. Only four of 31 participants in the study liked these colors, meaning it could be a personal preference for the color. These colors are also associated with low arousal.

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Back, blue, and red are colors that caused the participants to underestimate their body size. Green, gray, and white caused overestimation. White led to the largest overstimulation, but it still attracted high body attractiveness ratings.

Other Things Colors Mean

Colors can impact attractiveness, but they can also imply other things. Learning the meaning of colors is helpful because it’ll help you exude the energy you desire.


Wearing red clothing is believed to make women seem more attractive. It is associated with love and passion and can be a subconscious influence you don’t recognize.

Red is a powerful color, and business people often wear red suits or dresses. It makes a statement and helps people notice you. This color also exudes beneficial traits for the workplace, including confidence and superiority.

Standing out from the crowd improves your attractiveness because …

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