What Happens When You Ignore Signs From The Universe?

What Happens When You Ignore Signs From The Universe

When you ignore signs from the Universe, you will often find yourself in less-than-ideal situations. This is because you are actively working against your highest and greatest good. The good news, however, is that your free will is a healthy and positive feature of human existence. So you don’t have to worry about the idea of being “punished.” Nothing truly devastating will usually take place if you ignore signs from the Universe. But, still, there are a few things to consider.

7 Things that can happen when you ignore signs from the Universe

Are you headed down the wrong path?

First, it’s important to make sure that you’re not headed down the wrong path entirely. Because if you’re on the wrong path, no matter how many signs you get from the Universe, you’re not going to be able to get to where you want to go.

You may find yourself in a dead-end job, or a relationship that’s going nowhere.

If this is the case, it’s time for a change.

But how do you know if you’re headed down the wrong path or not?

The reason your numerology report will help you with this is that it gives you your specific “energetic blueprint” that was hard-coded into your energetic profile at your exact date and time of birth.

Your blueprint is unlike that of any other, so even if you do everything “right” by the standards of society and what others tell you or show you is right – you could have it all wrong!

And if you have it all wrong, then you’ve lost before you’ve even begun.

The great thing about this numerology report is that it only takes a few minutes to download.

And beyond that, it’s one of the key ways to let the Universe know that you are listening and that you’re ready to do what it takes to live your best life possible.

It’ll only make things better for you in the long run.

1. Your manifestations will take longer

The first and most obvious consequence of ignoring signs from the Universe is that your manifestations will take longer.

This is because you are essentially asking for guidance and then ignoring it when it comes.

Think about it, if someone asks you for something and then you send information on how they can meet you halfway with their request, then they ignore the request… how likely are you to prioritize their future requests?

Not very likely.

It’s the same with the Universe. If you ask for guidance and then ignore it, your manifestations will take longer because the Universe will know that you’re not ready or serious about receiving what you’ve asked for.

As a matter of fact, if you’re truly serious about manifesting your desires, you need to be open to receiving guidance and acting on it when it comes – even if it’s not what you want to hear or do.

2. You may attract difficult or compromising situations

Another thing that can happen when you ignore signs from the Universe is that you may attract difficult or compromising situations.

This is because you are not aligned with your highest good, and you will usually find this out in due time.

Don’t think of this as punishment for ignoring the signs. That’s not a …

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