feng shui to create clarity

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Did you know that you can use feng shui to create more clarity in your life? If you are feeling discouraged, confused, or need clarity around a certain decision you need to make in your life – feng shui can help!

feng shui to create clarity

Here are 6 feng shui tips to create clarity!

One: Check the feng shui bagua map.

The bagua is the feng shui map of your home that shows you which areas of your home relate to the different areas of your life. If you need clarity in a certain area of your life, the bagua will show you which area of your home will be the best area to feng shui.

If you need to make a financial decision, for example, you will start with the money area of the bagua.

Or if you need to make a decision about your child’s schooling, you would start with the children area and possibly the knowledge area.

The bagua map makes it really simple to figure out which area needs attention. Click here to see a picture of the feng shui bagua map and how to use it in your home!

feng shui for decision making

If you don’t have a certain area of your life that needs clarity, and instead you are just feeling generally confused and need more energy and mental clarity, these tips will work for your whole house too!

Just start in the knowledge/wisdom area and the health area to give yourself an overall boost!

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Two: Declutter!

Decluttering is always a great place to start when you need clarity in your life. Clutter represents stuck energy and it can create foggy thinking and general frustration.

Objects in your home hang on to energy. Every time you look at the things in your home, your subconscious remembers the feelings you have about that object.

If it relates to something you find unhappy or frustrating, you will feel those things when you see the item!

This is why it’s sometimes so hard to clear clutter and why we tend to just shove it in a closet or in the garage — it’s easier than making a decision about those things.

feng shui for clear thinking

Even if you just have junk drawers or an overstuffed closet full of clothes — anything in your home that causes you frustration can hold stuck energy and create foggy thinking — two things you don’t want if you need clarity!

Choose one area of your home that irritates you and clean it out. While you’re organizing and decluttering, set the intention that you are creating room for the clarity you want.

The universe doesn’t like a vacuum. Whatever answer you seek will come to you once you make room and set the intention to receive it!

Three: Clear out the old energy.

Stagnant energy doesn’t just collect around clutter. It also can collect all over your home.

feng shui stuck energy

The energies we bring into a space, arguments we’ve had, frustrations or sadness in our lives, even the energies of people who lived in your home before you — all of these things can build up in a space.

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The great news is that feng shui can help you remove those energies and create a fresh start!

Three ways you can clear out old energies and make room for fresh, vibrant energies are:

Salt bowls: salt absorbs negative energy in your home so that you can easily throw it out!

Put out small bowls of salt in the corners of the room you want to clear (or the whole house, if you are needing overall clarity) and leave them for 24 hours (or 48 hours if you are really feeling stuck!) and the salt will absorb all of the old energy.

You can then throw the salt out in the garbage (make sure you take it outside) and your home (and your personal energy and the energy of everyone else in your home!) will be refreshed and renewed!

Bowl of lemons: if you don’t want to lay out bowls of salt, a bowl of lemons will also work!

clarity feng shui

We all know that lemons are one of the most natural ways we can cleanse our home — lemon juice is in so many cleaning products for a reason!

Setting out a bowl of lemons in your home will also absorb all of the negative energy in your home so that you can create a fresh start.

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Place the bowl in whichever area of the bagua corresponds with the area you need help with, or for overall clarity, place it in your health area or in your kitchen.

Smudging: smudging with sage or other herbs has been proven to change the energy of the space, which means it creates more clarity!

I recommend smudging your whole home and the aura of every being who lives in your house!

Smudging itself can help you make decisions, clear foggy thinking, and remove general negativity and bad feelings. Click here to learn exactly how to smudge!

Four: Turn on the lights!

In feng shui, light is fire energy. Fire energy is bright, vibrant, and burns off old, frustrated energy.

If you need clarity, turning on the lights around can light up your thoughts and help you think more clearly!

If you need to make a decision, turn on the lights in the knowledge/wisdom area of your home for at least 3 hours a day.

feng shui for clear thinking

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in peacelovefengshui.com. All the rights of content are owned by peacelovefengshui.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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