How To Become The Coolest Person You Know

Ready to become the coolest person you know?

I mean, why wouldn’t you want that? When it comes to setting intentions, I love the power of a solid and concrete goal. But I also love to get out of my comfort zone and play with some more abstract concepts.

Enter: becoming the coolest person you know

Now when I say that, what’s your first reaction? Is it something like “Oh no, that could never be me.” That in itself is your perfect first clue: what exactly does cool mean to you and why do you think you could never be that way? Why don’t you think it’s available to you?

It’s important to know that when I use the word “cool” I don’t mean wearing the latest “cool” clothes or going to the most exclusive events. It certainly can mean those things for the right person. But they’re not necessary at all.

It’s important to know that when you focus on the outside stuff exclusively, you’re not creating true “cool” (not in my mind anyway!). You’re simply following a formula because you’re hoping it will make people accept you or admire you.

But it’s tricky territory to place your self-acceptance in the hands of someone else. It can so easily be taken away from you!

So let’s get it straight: true “cool” doesn’t have anything to do with what other people think. It’s actually about what you genuinely think and feel about yourself.

If it’s not really making you happy (and you’re doing it to impress someone else), then it’s not the real deal.

What is the real deal then?

Confidence. Joy. Self-expression.

These three things are the bedrock of a wonderful life. A happy, confident, fully-expressed person is who we all want to be. In my book, that’s the real cool–and the good news is, that level of cool can never ever be taken away from you.

So if you’re ready to challenge yourself to make this life (and yourself) the very best it can be, here’s my quickstart guide to help you become the coolest person you know.

How To Become The Coolest Person You Know: 10 Must-Know Tips Become The Coolest Person You Know: Tip #1: They Learn New Things

What have you always wanted to learn how to do? My big question is: why are you putting off actually learning how to do it?

Truth is, there’s a big fat learning curve with anything in life. Sometimes we don’t want to try something new because we’re afraid we’re going to suck at it. And truthfully, we probably will suck at it at first! But there’s no fast-forward button to press that lets you avoid awkward beginning steps. So instead of getting caught up in looking dumb or making a mistake, get caught up in the energy of expanding yourself and testing your boundaries. Give yourself credit for making the efforrt!

Besides, learning something new isn’t always about mastery. So don’t stop your progress with this if you don’t immediately feel competent at your new chosen hobby or skill.

Become The Coolest Person You Know: Tip #2: They Don’t Wait For “Someday”

The coolest person in the room knows that putting off things for “someday” is BS. For example, if they want to go to Greece, then they just go ahead and book the trip. They know that constantly wishing for something takes almost as much energy as just going ahead and doing the damn thing.

They know there’s power in doing things now. They’re not sitting around waiting for the “right” romantic or …

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