How to Use The Law of Attraction (For Beginners) | Aglow Lifestyle

Do you ever dream of a life where you have everything you want?

What if I was to tell you that this dream can become a reality.

Using the law of attraction, you can bring about a life of bliss and happiness. So how do you use the law of attraction?

In this article, I will be showing you step by step how to use the law of attraction and create the life of your dreams.

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What is the law of attraction?

The law of attraction is the most powerful law in the universe.

It simply states that “like attracts like.”

In other words, the energy you emit out into the universe is exactly what you will attract in your life.

If you emit negative energy, then negativity will come back to you.

On the other hand, if you emit positive energy into the universe, then more positivity will be attracted to you.

By using your thoughts, words, feelings, and actions to attract positive energy around you, you can align yourself with the all-powerful universal law of attraction.

Once you do that, then everything in your life will start to become easier and more abundant.

The law of attraction can be broken down into 7 different laws:

1. The law of manifestation

The phrase ‘law of attraction,’ more often than not, is associated with this idea. This concept states that the universe will conspire to bring you what you want if your thoughts and feelings remain positive.

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2. The law of magnetism

Everything that has happened in your life, from the individuals, objects, and opportunities you’ve encountered as well as the situations in which you’ve found yourself – is a consequence of the energy you put out into the world according to the law of magnetism.

3. The law of unwanted desire

Do you genuinely want what you’ve said you desire?

The law of unwanted desire refers to the fact that if you don’t want the things you claim you desire, then they will not come to pass.

You must have a strong desire for the things you want if you want to see them in your life.

4. The law of delicate balance

The law of delicate balance dictates that everything in your life results from the delicate balance between attraction and repulsion.

The good, bad, and neutral forces have been put into place since the beginning of time to help you realize what you want and don’t want so that you may proceed to get it or say no to it.

When your life’s different elements are in balance, you can truly enjoy peace and pleasure.

However, to achieve balance, appreciation and gratitude are required.

5. The law of harmony

The law of harmony explains the cooperative interplay of energies and components that make up the universe.

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When you are in sync with it, everything appears to be simple, as if you’re swimming with the current rather than against it.

Tapping into the law of harmony and striving to live in harmony with other people will allow you to believe in the goodness of the Universe.

6. The law of right action

Your words and behaviors impact the world around you, influencing the quality of your life experiences. Others will respond to you in a certain way based on how you conduct yourself and treat people.

When you focus on the right action and consider others—always making sure that others are treated with respect—you will bring more good into your life.

7. The law of universal influence

When you look up at the sky at night, it’s easy to feel small and unimportant.

However, the truth is that each of us is an essential component of the Universe. With every idea and action, we leave our mark on the world.

Our energy vibrations become a part of the fabric of reality.

That is why you must be aware of your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors—as well as any signals from the Universe—to show the results of your actions and direct you toward your aspirations.

Does the law of attraction really work?

Yes, the law of attraction does work, but only to the extent that you believe in it.

For all intents and purposes, the law of attraction is real.

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However, its power can be limited by your belief system, which restricts how effective it can be in making what you want manifest.

For the law of attraction to work, you must believe in it and be open to receiving the abundance of the universe.

3 ideas to remove before using the law of attraction

1. Lack of self-belief

For the law of attraction to work, you have to know that you are worthy of receiving what you want.

It’s easy to let doubts and lack of self-belief get in the way of your manifestation, but you have to work on removing those beliefs from yourself if you want the law of attraction to work.

If you find yourself unable to manifest your dreams, then look at yourself and find out what’s limiting you from deserving of the things you want.

Many people lack self-confidence or who do not believe in themselves.

You must remember that you have the ability to change yourself and to make your dreams a reality.

2. Instant success mentality

For the law of attraction to work, you have to…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in All the rights of content are owned by We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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