The New Moon in Leo 2022 arrives with all the glitz on July 28th at 1:55 PM EDT. This lunation loves the spotlight – which means it’s your time to step onto the main stage. It’s your day to be proud of your accomplishments, no matter how humble they may seem. Allow others to celebrate your wins with you. Shine bright like the star you are – and keep your eyes on the next level.
Leo is all about “being extra,” so why play small when you can be a maximalist in everything you do? Instead of shy kitten, try on bold lion. Think big, stand in your power, grab every single mic you can get your hands on, shake your mane, and don’t forget to roar!
New Moons are excellent for initiating changes. In Leo, this might be the perfect time to start creative projects, set ambitious goals, or take the lead at work. Because this fiery sign is associated with the 5th house of true love, it’s also the best time to update your romantic life. That might mean having a heart-to-heart with a current flame, creating a new dating profile, or perfecting your flirt skills. No matter where you stand now, you can turn the level up to sizzling new levels!
Children and play fall under Leo’s rulership. When is the last time you’ve taken a day off to hang with the kids or indulge your inner child through some silly fun? Make time for leisure and goofing off. It will do you good. (Psst…if you’re thinking about starting a family, this is the greenest of all lights!
Jupiter stations retrograde at 4:37 PM EDT, creating the perfect conditions for examining your big vision. But watch out when Mercury squares Uranus at 5:16 PM EDT. An unwelcome surprise may jar your good mood. This doesn’t last long – once the Moon trines lucky Jupiter at 8:03 PM EDT optimism returns and the stage is set for your arrival. You know what to do next: STRUT.
And here’s some mini New Moon in Leo 2022 Tarot Readings with the Weiser Tarot!
Aries: The Hanged Man reversed – No more procrastination. Greatness requires action. GO!
Taurus: Knight of Wands – A door for adventure opens up. Take a chance and see where it leads.
Gemini: Wheel of Fortune – Lady Luck is smiling at you. Your good works are returning to you tenfold.
Cancer: The Hermit – Take a step back if you want clarity. Make no sudden moves until you understand the risks.
Leo: Nine of Swords – There you are, in your head again. Why do you let the littlest stuff get to you?
Virgo: Page of Wands – Good news comes soon! This could be the beginning of an exciting period.
Libra: Two of Cups reversed – A relationship turns sour. Consider your past actions before trying to move forward.
Scorpio: Three of Wands – The Universe is bringing new opportunities. Suddenly, you have many good options.
Sagittarius: Five of Pentacles – A few struggles are coming to a close. You’re about to find the right help.
Capricorn: The Star – A complete healing is taking place. All of your positive energy is working.
Aquarius: Queen of Pentacles – Find the balance between practicality and spirituality. That’s your sweet spot.
Pisces: Seven of Swords – If you’re doing something sneaky, you may get away with it…for now.
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